Confessions of a kleptomaniac OI: Tell me, when for the first time you noticed a propensity for taking other people's things? Q: In school, in seventh grade. Almost half the class lost the handle. Everyone began to ask: "Where's my pen? You took? ". And when I opened the briefcase on the reverse, it was stupefied: there were pens. The most interesting thing that I do not remember how to put them there. OI: What happened then? Q: I had otdavat.O.I.: Was it easy to part with another thing? IV: Easily, in fact target to steal from me was not. OI: Do you always give up what might accidentally grab? AI: Not always. Sometimes, when I took someone else's thing, and one time not bethought him, and myself I had not remembered, then come home and see what interesting things are in my portfolio ... and quietly rejoiced. O.I: Everyone knows that you are taking other people's things. How does this affect your relationship with your classmates? II: Since I've always tried to honestly give the stolen item, then OK. OI: Were there times when you say something is not taken in class and in other places? IM: There were, of course. And dad at work, and my mother, and somewhere at a party ... OI: How is it that you take someone else's thing? IM: It happened by itself. Typically, during an interview. But how - I do not know. When love is any thing you want to take and you can not. First, know that this can not be done, and feel a thief. And secondly, it seems that the other person sees. OI: Do you set ever conscious purpose to take not one? AI: Sure. All we had climbed for apples in a strange garden. I've had both. In the nineties, we went on Komsomol in Hungary. We changed only 25 rubles. And bring gifts like. OI: So what? IM: Well ... we're there to steal. We left with full bags of all sorts of trinkets. And then, a month and a half later, we have one boy somehow dragged 3 kg of apples. Then I suddenly realized what I was doing something wrong. These apples, I could easily buy. You see, it was a temptation that may like it. And I kind of caught on. And stopped. OI: What did you do then? IM: I started working on myself. And even put a candle in the church. Just at this time, I arranged to work in one major company that I really liked it. Losing a job does not like. And then, you know, come these business people with expensive pens, and then he came, or call the office and asked if they did not leave, by chance, have a pen with a gold pen? And I was very uncomfortable to get her out of his pocket. (According to O. Ostroverh) Kleptomania - unconscious human desire not to assign personal effects, items, money. Sounds like an ax head. To dispel false stereotypes and understand the reality of what happened, look at some facts leading to the development of kleptomania. One of the main causes of kleptomania experts believe an innate, genetically. But not always "irresistible morbid desire to steal" is genetic, as well as stealing money, not a symptom of true kleptomania.
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