Saturday, 2 April 2011

Do not eat, staring at the TV screen ...

Begin failure on the part of the stomach, intestines, until erosion, gastritis, colitis. There is a vicious circle, a dead end. Strategic exit from the only one - to keep your fat cells "in the black body", not to indulge their greed. What should I do? Young mothers need to remember that due to improper feeding baby (or rather, overfeeding) can occur hypertrophy of fat cells. And the child throughout life provided a predisposition to the completeness and increased appetite with all the consequences. Fighting "zhorom and obesity (as a consequence) should be systematic, long-term, persistent. Dieters need to immediately set it up: "Serving the muses of beauty can not stand vanity." Struggle with overeating, "wolf's appetite, excessive weight rests on three pillars - effective natural (not only harmless but useful, of course), as well as medical and psychological principles. 1. Need constant, daily, regardless of the mood and weather, exercise, exercise, recreational sport. This allows you to flush out fat cells from surplus reserves. 2. Need to count every eaten a piece, a drink fatty foods (especially fat of animal origin): sour cream, butter, milk, mayonnaise, barbecue, pate, etc. preference should be vegetable fats. It is useful to all that it contains a lot of fiber (apples, pears, dried fruit). If you really really want to drink tea with sweet, you can eat some dried apricots, figs, raisins. For "safe" saturation very useful porridge. Especially buckwheat, oats, barley, even rice. 3. And finally, the third important trend in the competent against "food addiction" is psychotherapy (this hypnosis and autogenic training, and neurolinguistic programming, and group psycho-correction, and something else), and reflexology. The latter includes a range of methods (not just acupuncture), allowing a management neurophysiological processes to reduce the excessive excitability of the hunger center in the brain. And finally, some advice on behavior. If Bender said: "Do not make food cult", the modern, scientifically literate doctors advise to the contrary: "Do the cult of food." Do not need to eat anywhere and anyhow, "anything and somehow". Do not eat, staring at the TV screen: You can swallow a lot of superfluous. Try to eat slowly, beautifully: a festively set table with a tablecloth, preferably in a nice community. And then the fat, the surplus itself will dissolve, dissolve.

Evgeny Shaposhnikov, Academy of Natural Sciences and Henri, Professor, MD, a physician of the highest category


Money, money ... Kleptomania

clarifying disappearances disappearance does not reveal, and memory lapses like to do with it. Shakes a scary thought: "A thief in his own family!". Yes, not someone else, but my dear, adorable, beloved child struck in the back. Do not want to believe, to the many "why" asks for advice from friends, psychologists, reading professional literature, and here pops up this terrible diagnosis - kleptomania.

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