Thursday, 28 July 2011

My mind fills with new experiences ...

My mind fills with new experiences, new skills to help calm and without the hassle of finding a way out of the most difficult situations. Like the time that I lost, entangled in a maze of problems coming back to me opening up new possibilities to experience again the most wonderful feeling. [DOWNLOAD FULL]

Psychology in sport

Every athlete and his coach knows what it takes to success in sports, how hard and what hardships he had achieved. Often the athlete and his coach underestimate the importance of their own moods, your emotions and your mental habits in sports and life in general. Well-meaning coach requires an athlete: if the patient - be patient if you do not want and tired - all the same train, tempered will not have the strength to - accept the drug. A similar approach for self-improvement for today are not uncommon. Educating the athlete goes through the exercise of will and the will of trains, according to how coaches and athletes themselves through hardship, overcome yourself, your feelings and desires, in other words, by violence on himself. The question arises - whether these are justified deprivation of what consequences we have in reality? To improve, we must exercise. To exercise, it is necessary to overcome the pain, fatigue, fear of failure. And to overcome them, too, need to train. Circle. In fact, improvement is possible when it is pleasant and enjoyable. If this is not fun, then the athlete's training takes place through the efforts to overcome the unpleasant feelings that hinder the improvement of his skills. In this case, the internal stress caused by these unpleasant experiences, preserved, and each subsequent violence over a requires more effort than the previous one. This contradiction may be referring to a psychologist, that addresses the problems of psychological preparation of athletes, without resorting to exercise its will through violence, and overcoming hardships. After all, in fact, will is the desire to do something, and its manifestations do not require effort. Thus, the will to train, educate and develop the personal character each athlete's ability to solve some problems. Personal emotional problems athletes and coaches in the first place, the problem of self-improvement in the second. Because, not eliminate, the improvement of emotional problems is almost impossible, because athlete will not be improved, and if they will, then by force. This is inefficient and unnecessary, because the compulsion is a person protected from violence against yourself, but it is perceived as laziness. Athletes also can not be lazy, so some stress associated with overcoming their unpleasant experiences with the need to overcome himself, is secured in the body, and developing so-called occupational diseases. A disease for an athlete - the loss of form, which in turn affects the results and achievements of the athlete.

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