Friday, 24 June 2011

Frequently used auditory hypnosis ...


How did the psychiatrist treats? Taktikalecheniya, of course, depends on the type of pathology and state patsienta.Esli it is aggressive, dangerous to themselves or others, naznachayutsyalekarstvennye drugs and treatments. Subsequently, at etaperemissii, widely used methods of psychotherapy and psychological correction. Anytime, from case to be afraid or ashamed of the treatment to that doctor is not needed. Where can I find a qualified psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist? Firstly, you can contact the district hospital, while boleesereznyh problems - to a mental hospital for mestuzhitelstva. A number of problems not related to alcoholism and drug addiction can be resolved by contacting our center. Another way - this treatment in private medical institutions. Izostavshihsya two professions in our country the right to privacy praktikuimeyut only psychotherapists. Such a physician must bytdiplom on vocational education, certificate Министерстваздравоохранения for the right to medical services, and takzhespetsialnaya license to conduct private practice.


Secrets of hypnosis.

Questions answered by RANS, MD, a physician-therapist medical-psychological center of Personality Evgeny Shaposhnikov. - What is Hypnosis from the viewpoint of conventional medicine? E.Sh. Hypnosis - is a kind of artificially induced snopodobnoe state with a different depth of dormancy. Nature of the processes in the brain (psycho-physiological, biochemical, cell-molekulchrnyh) in hypnotic state is still not fully disclosed. State of hypnosis can be adjusted by a specialist engaged in conversation, both on stage and duration. There are three stages. The first stage - a simple neyroemotsionalnoe and muscle relaxation. The second stage of a drowsy state, when the patient sees only what it says doctor. The third stage is a deep trance, or so-called state of somnambulism. Somnambulism subject a little more than 5% of people, most of the same hypnosis can reach only the second stage - a nap. With this particular dream, the patient even though disabled, but is active as a person, his brain is working hard. And if the suggestion is in conflict with his moral principles, ethical norms - he wakes up. - How to enter into a hypnotic state? E.Sh. Now there are many hypnotic techniques. In the classical, the policy hypnosis use visual and auditory inputs in brain activity. When the visual hypnosis can be used a brilliant ball, to which the patient long stare, and finally is beginning to fall into a drowsy state. Frequently used auditory hypnosis, the use of "soothing music, rhythmic tapping metronome, monotonous monologue doctor pronouncing medical" units "," moods ". Can be used a combination of both. In recent years, hypnotic techniques in foreign clinics has become very complex, even sophisticated. I have proposed a method for the simultaneous use of hypnosis and acupuncture (acupuncture hypnosis).

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