Models, actors, athletes, leading always talking about how the inherent harmony of the criteria for success and the steps to the recognition and affirmation. Set of adolescent girls dream come closer to this elusive standard of beauty, exhausting themselves diets, exercises in fitness clubs, beauty treatments. Unfortunately, the media and public opinion not only dictates the fashion in clothes and accessories, but also on the disease. Conscious refusal of food, in order to lose weight, is known in the medical world as anorexia nervosa. A growing number of victims of the disease in the United States, Europe, and now in Russia in the millions, it is practically an epidemic. According to Western psychiatrists mortality from this disease (if untreated) is over 20%! In other words, patients simply die from exhaustion! The worst thing in this situation, the girls usually do not think their behavior is painful, explaining his "psychologically understandable" motives fix their own, often imaginary, of completeness. In advanced cases, "supporters of harmony" are no longer able to control their eating instincts, and then requires serious medical attention. Who gets into the "trap" own illusions? According to domestic authors, anorexia nervosa suffer 4% of girls aged 14 to 20 years. In men, such disorders are rare. In adolescence, the issue looks extremely urgent, more attention to their appearance, peer ridicule, reckless remarks authoritative for those girls, especially my father or brothers, not the correct expression of envious friends can play a fatal role in the development of the nervous anorexia. This happens usually in the social and highly successful families belonging to middle and higher strata of society. By "risk" refers to a family where there is a "cult of food, or the opposite approach to nutrition. When a lot of talk about the need to limit yourself to food, "not to gain weight." Often mothers themselves suffer from their own "not perfect" and use a variety of trendy diets and worship throughout the cream. It is noted that in such families are overbearing mother, a determined nature and tend to suppress the father, even to discredit him in the eyes of children and others. In other cases, parents are emotionally cold with children, suspended, absorbed in their problems, do not give the expected girl emotional response, approval, endorsement, although formally mother and daughter - "best friends". It is assumed that conscientious objection teenager to eat - no more than a protest reaction against the despotism of the mother and not enough attention and warmth from their parents. As a rule, parents are placing greater demands on children, artificially loading them with various "useful and prestigious" occupations (foreign languages, music, ballroom dancing). From early childhood, these children carry a heavy burden of responsibility are in a constant state of inner tension. Girls who join the ranks of patients with anorexia nervosa differed from their peers high aspirations, perseverance, and punctuality, suspiciousness, excessive demands on himself.
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