Sunday, 3 April 2011

Natural in this situation ...

A lot depends on psychological characteristics of the child and the parents themselves. The role of the father in the family, whether or not everything is decided by money in modern conditions of the father's role is often limited to making money in the name of material well-being of the family. Father - the breadwinner, and all educational functions entrusted to the mother. And indeed, after a hard day's work want to relax, unwind, just watch TV. It is not until children's stories about the next indication in school, violent emotions or intimate conversations. On it is a mother. Communication between father and child is limited to expensive toys, pocket money, sweets: "I love it: I care about him, I did provide." Children, unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, perceive the world differently. Far from being in first place for their material well-being. But what they actually crave and aspire to - attention, affection and communication, and including his father. Not mediated through the donated toys and candy, and the living, emotional. After a warm, intimate, trusting communication with parents the child receives the energy, emotional balance, a sense of safety and security, feeling that he loved. When such a family there, the child gets the impression that attention, affection, love - it's just a beautiful toy, expensive thing, money. But the natural desire for human warmth ineradicable. Occurs (although not recognized until the end), a painful sense of loss is very important. The child is seeking to fill the painful void, and chooses the one to which he is accustomed to which was used: take the money. First, small amounts, then all the big ones. Until then, until such notice is impossible .... So parents have set in motion a mechanism of "material" of love. In life, unfortunately, there are reasons that really difficult to devote much time to the child. For example, the birth of the second, third ... The birth of the youngest child with the birth of a second baby is reconstructed family life, and the oldest child a great responsibility for the junior. Natural in this situation is the firstborn of jealousy, because he received less attention and time. "I've fallen out of love" - ??this is a subjective assessment of a child of change. In such a situation the child is usually easier to adapt if it is already accustomed to autonomy, self-taught skills. Then it is easier and by the parents and child, because in his mind already formed initial ideas about human rights and responsibilities. He will be easier to accept the new conditions under which the force of circumstances it would be "looked upon as an adult." In general, the inclusion of a child in the family (the sharing of family responsibilities, joys, perhaps, to some extent and difficulty) develops responsibility, makes the child engaged and meaningful for your family. The child feels tight, unbreakable bond with their parents, learning to match their needs with the common family, learning to interact in a team.

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