Saturday, 20 August 2011

Prenosological asthenia (fatigue) ...

Prenosological asthenia (fatigue) often occurs after excessive physical, psychological or mental stress, inappropriate alternation of work and leisure, systematic sleep deprivation, adaptation to new climatic conditions, etc., and the literature describes as an informational neurosis syndrome manager syndrome of "white collar syndrome, leadership training, fatigue among foreigners, asthenia when changing time zones, fatigue in athletes, iatrogenic fatigue. In contrast, the occurrence of asthenic disorders due to a more diverse and often associated with other available pathological causes. Sam asthenic syndrome status as "abnormal exhaustion after normal activity, reducing power to solve problems that require effort and attention, or generalized decrease in ability to act", consists of three components: - the actual manifestation of asthenia - disorder caused by the underlying pathological fatigue state - disorder caused by the reaction of the individual to the disease. The second component of asthenic disorders, namely, the underlying pathological condition, and is the main feature, given its proposed current classification of asthenic conditions (Table 2). Organic asthenia, which share all asthenic conditions is estimated at 45%, develops in the presence of chronic, often progressive organic (neurological), mental and physical illness. These include infectious, endocrine, hematologic, neoplastic, hepatology, neurological, psychiatric (primarily schizophrenia, substance abuse) and other diseases. In contrast to the organic functional (reactive), asthenia, 55% of the total sample of fatigue, is characterized primarily by the fundamental reversibility, as occurs after or in the structure of time-limited or kurabelnyh pathological conditions. Among them are "acute fatigue" that occurs in response to acute stress or significant overload at work (mental or physical (fatigue surge), according to the old authors), "chronic fatigue", which appears after childbirth (postpartum fatigue), infection (postinfectious asthenia) or in the structure of the withdrawal syndrome, cachexia, etc. Separately, in connection with the extraordinary importance of this issue stands out "mental fatigue" in which a functional structure of borderline mental disorders (anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc.) reveals an asthenic syndrome . In psychiatric literature one can find a classification of fatigue, based on its obligate or optional nature of the structure of disease states. Kobligatnoy asthenia include such states in which the asthenic disorders emerge as the major and defining clinical disorders, such as asthenic personality disorder asthenic personality development, etc. With the optional asthenia her symptoms included in the structure more complex psychopathological formations - asthenic-depressive conditions, adynamic -anxiety, etc.

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