Try this concept in respect of any dependence. Influenced by external influences from early childhood (words and deeds of relatives, friends, reading books, watching movies, etc.), under the influence of internal exposure to chemical or emotional agent (eg, alcohol, drugs, the state of excitement, etc.) with the first episodes of familiarizing with one or another form of addictive behavior in the brain in people formed certain program behavior, mood, and the decision to perform these actions, beliefs (confidence in their validity, propriety and necessity). From the earliest childhood, as they grow up in the path of life of any child found thousands of individual impressions about the behavior of adults. From these impressions are formed some relationship to these behaviors of adults with a plus sign or minus sign. "From these individual semantic units and fold some programs behavior (any behavior will be accepted (with a plus sign), and some rejected (with a minus sign). From childhood, everyone there is a need to change (growth, expansion of consciousness, sensibility), the need to satisfy their curiosity, the need to go beyond the usual need for adherence to someone possessing great strength and power, unchallenged power. This may explain why a particular perception of children of the adult world, the world around them. The parents in the eyes of a child are perceived primarily as an archaic image of the mother and father . Children have Tales: Rain, rain, pripustit, give a little to grow up! "When there is a mushroom rain and sunshine, the world is changing, it becomes magical. Dozhdik children ascribe the magical power of affecting the growth." Be as big as dad "- the strong desire of the child. A young child may believe that the warm rain affects its growth, as a carrot, which he pours out his watering can, he believes everything his parents say -" mighty giants. "He sees sometimes dad drank some "water" from a beautiful bottle, which is usually hidden and do not give even touch it, not to try it out ("this is disgusting, not small"). After ceremonial drinking "water" Dad is happy and strong His voice grows stronger and is loud. Dad straightened already looks high, dancing like mad, and easily "as a feather" raises the mother. And then, like a lion after drinking the "water", sometimes scary, like a wolf, a bear. What is being done in the nursery head? What other comparisons join existing? Will not believe a child is that "water is a beautiful bottle of" making adults more strong, powerful, brave, courageous, energetic, happy or angry? not born there in his What - any children's version of the idea: "When grow up - I drink it too" crap. "Do not want to if he as a teenager, as soon as possible to build up strength and become a mighty and courageous, after drinking the" magic water ", the" remedy for courage "- vodka? AND go to the disco afterwards.
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