In England, from two to ten percent of adults suffer from "compulsive craving" for shopping. In women, this relationship is manifested in ten times more frequently than men. Shopping addiction affects half of adolescent girls in Italy, Spain and Scotland. Wife of British footballer David Beckham Victoria - a vivid example of this kind of dependent people. As a pathological craving it knows about a hundred years. In the New World it was described in 1898. With the help of magnetic resonance imaging, scientists managed to measure the electrical activity in the cerebral cortex of female shoppers, namely in the cortex, responsible for common sense and rational thinking. The results showed that in anticipation of buying the ability to sensibly and rationally think they have almost completely disappeared, and the voltage in the departments that control emotions and pleasant feelings, growing up to the limit. Pathological avarice - the opposite dependence of rampant waste of money (who lived in a wretched shack on the outskirts of Kansas City Franklin Lawson has always behaved like a simple American beggar. The old man fed on alms, who begged at gas stations and stores. Clothing and footwear Franklin supplied a variety of charities. At the age of 73, Mr. Lawson has left this world. who had come to collect the body in the morgue attendants and the police saw a piece of paper greenbacks sticking out of the wretched mattress under the dead. Out of curiosity, dragged her - it turned out that this 100-dollar bill. ripped mattress and gasped: it was sewn 350 000 dollars. Since fisted Dzyadok left no heirs, the money received by the fund of the municipality, and from there - to help the poor. It is possible that the same as Mr. Franklin ...). the same case was described by psychiatrists in the early 70-ies in Alma-Ata (Almaty), Kazakhstan, only the mattress was stuffed with paper money signs since the Stalinist era, reflecting Khrushchev's monetary reform and ending with Brezhnev's stagnant period of nine teams - Criminal depending (directly related to the violation of the law) a desire to take the money, things without asking, etc. perjury, kleptomania - pathological theft, pyromania - pathological arson. Tenth Party - Detective distort pathological lies, lies, hypocrisy, rampant imagination, "dreamers." From the message, "Solvay Pharmaceuticals": U.S. scientists, using the lie detector found that women twice as likely to give false information on vprosam their sex lives than men. If you lie to men, they usually exaggerate the performance of their sexual exploits, women underestimate.) Eleventh Party - Detective with a certain attitude towards their health permanent bruises, scratches, wounds, frequent breaks, frequent illness, recurrent collapse, excessive concern about his health, addiction to hypochondria - vyiskivanie in their symptoms of various diseases, loss of care, disregard for health, etc.
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