Friday, 29 July 2011

About 20% of theft from shops is committed ...

About 20% of theft from shops is done - is not motivated (motivation are not recognized, hidden in the subconscious). 70% of burglaries committed professional thieves, and only about 5% of burglaries committed people who are in a situation of desperation, 5% of burglaries committed kleptomany (about them - a separate issue). In all these cases, people understand and realize what is happening and can consistently describe what actions they committed. Very special cases of the theft - in a state of insanity, when a psychotic state or interfere with a person to account for their actions and control them. Such cases are very rare and considered remains the prerogative of psychiatrists in the forensic psychiatric examinations. Unmotivated Theft - at first glance, the motives are absent, in reality the motives of theft in such cases are not recognized and deeply hidden in the subconscious. Let's try to solve this. Everyone, especially children, need to meet their basic survival needs: shelter - shelter in a house or apartment, food and drink to quench their thirst and hunger, clothing and footwear that was what the walk. We need to meet the emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs. And children need toys, books, paints and a lot more then. For example, sections, clubs, art lessons. For all this you have to pay money. Not all parents are able to provide their children with everything they need. Children grow up, grow their needs and requests. My friends in Italy, England, France, children of school age if they want something in excess of the minimum necessary, work part time and not because their parents can not afford, and to the consciousness of the child fit the desires and proportionality opportunities. In such training, their offspring are my foreign friends as if to say: you can only have the one and only so much what you comply with our own hands. To envy the place remains. What struck me when I was visiting his colleagues in Rome, London and Paris: the wealthy family in a life lived very modestly. Children know, you want something to have in excess of the minimum - earned. I am often in St. Petersburg, Moscow, in these cities, and we in Estonia among children and adolescents is very much a game released in the comparison: That would be a CD-player like Peeter, that would be a cell phone as Nastia, That would be such an outfit like Edik, etc. And the family budget is not rubber, but when at the head of family law was the principle: "the desire of the child - above all!" - Here the problems begin. Annie, a student of 9 th grade parents threw a tantrum over the fact that they could not buy her panties and bra on the bustier as she was ashamed to appear before the knight their underwear on the Tallinn factory "Marat." Dad girl, an engineer by training who lost their jobs on the railroad, had to work a janitor and my mother-scholar, who has lost work on reducing and working on the very same factory "Marat" feel guilty in front of his daughter.

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