Thursday, 23 June 2011

In such cases, let reception ...


Do not become a "grounding". You should not be the last link in the information channel. Talk about what they saw and heard. It does not become a "repeater". Follow up story to express feelings and opinions. If the information you transmit to others, no interest, think about it, is it really needed it to you. 5. Establish priorities. Normal sequence of importance - I do, then - my family and people close to me. Once you become clear value of information for you personally and for your immediate environment, we can not with such a severe emotional involvement to decide what it means for the country and the planet as a whole. 6. Calculate the forces. Should not be distressed because of what you can not change at all desire. If the objective you can not to anything to influence, but it bothers you, speak out or let out the feelings in prayer. 7. Keep track of the changes in myself. Notice how changing your status. Sometimes, in order to prevent disruption or panic reaction, it is enough to say: "Now I feel irritated" or "Now I'm afraid." Before you act, look at what caused your stress. Put between your mood and your actions barrier of comprehension. Maintain the consequences of your reactions. The first motivation is not always the correct one. 8. Learn to say to myself: "Stop." This applies not only to act, but also to the thoughts and feelings. The English have a wonderful saying, "Stop and smell roses." Any attempt to oppose the chagrin of pleasant memories. In the world there are many good things, and when the clouds are gathering, you can try the principle of Scarlett O'Hara. When she was surrounded worries, she said: "This is what I think about it tomorrow." 9. He caught himself on the willingness of fear or sadness, ask yourself whether or not to indulge in despondency. Is it really stupid fox in the fable, who could not reach the grapes, do not let yourself become frustrated, and found a way that supports her self-worth, and told myself to think that he has not quite sung? 10. "Every thing that you do, there is one-eighth of the unknown, and to maintain its internal ordering of, if not going to happen to fulfill the case, is seven-eighths" - so wrote the ancient Christian ascetic Abba Dorofei. Listen to the wisdom, proven for centuries. Would work well the body is not useful to us for more important things to and achievements in the future? By practicing these rules, you will find that the stress of the opponent and the oppressor becomes your ally, and even an assistant. "TAME" Stress is a great resource of energy. Boldly to harness it to the cart of your destiny. But life is life, and sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to concentrate the maximum, to gather his thoughts to make the right decision before an important business meeting or a meeting, and you are nervous, angry and realize that it can stop you at a crucial moment. In such cases, we assume reception of sedatives to help a particular point in life.

"Psycho" treats emotions

Osenyumy most susceptible to various stresses and problems associated spsihicheskim health.

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