In certain tragicomic situations I was able to beat his stammer, that the school had any of my peers and my head could not come to laugh at me. A man without a sense of humor, often touchy and so unhappy. It is difficult to live among people. He was suspicious and any innocent joke in your email address may be perceived as an insult. But the priceless property of the person who can laugh at themselves. This I learned well from his childhood. Read more articles by the author, please visit: steal - so the boat? (Larceny: the behavioral dependence) http://www.medlinks.rurticle.php?sid=21640 oniomania: a passion to fly http://www . medlinks.rurticle.php? sid = 21076 workaholism: work - the drug and the tyranny of debt http://www.medlinks.rurticle.php?sid=20719 Adrenalinomaniya http://www.medlinks.rurticle.php?sid=20229 Dependence to gambling http://www.medlinks.rurticle.php?sid=20528 Tackling gaming addiction http://www.medlinks.rurticle.php?sid=19908 Television - the online drug http://www.medlinks.rurticle . php? sid = 18454 What brought the horse? (drug prevention in schools) http://www.medlinks.rurticle.php?sid=18396 soul captive of my desires (psychology of dependency) http://www.medlinks.rurticle. php? sid = 13305
Psychology of fear. Forms of fear
Kurakin Oleg Psychologist-psychotherapist Fear needs no introduction, and each of us knows from experience that experience. But it neurotics tend to fear much more than others. There is no doubt that the problem of fear - the central point, which converge the most important issues of mental life, both in norm and in pathology. Ever since Freud, the fear can be divided into real fear and neurotic. The real fear is for us what - it is quite rational and understandable: it is a reaction to the perception of external danger. As such, this fear is reasonable and serves a signal function: the danger is close, get ready for defense or escape. very widespread fear and affect people's tendency to respond to fear in many situations is partly due to psychoanalysis as a presence in the psyche of the core fear that is relevant to the early impression of a man. It is, above all, the impressions of the act of birth, at which there is a massive integration of unpleasant experiences, which becomes the prototype of the impact of mortal danger and has since been repeated, we as a state fear. psychoanalysis also recognizes the very significant that the first state of fear has arisen as a result of separation from the mother. With regard to neurotic fear, here, there are several forms of it. Firstly, the so-called free fear, ready to bind to any more or less suitable representation . It's pointless or bezobektny fear. This fear is called "fear of expectations" or "fearful expectation." Sufferers of this fear, always ready for the worst, they live in anticipation of misfortune.
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