Not translated yet and the army of fraudsters single parents, who are still inventive in ways to "legally obtaining money from the citizens, as well as their literary counterpart Bender. Second possible motive - abdication of responsibility for wrongdoing, because of that harm without intent. Behind it there is the fear of punishment, fear, stained their reputation, cowardice, cowardice. In order to "cover their tracks" for an act that results in, for example, industrial accidents (damage to the thousands and hundreds of thousands and more ...), the loss of life - you have to lie (just keep quiet - passive deception). If on the little things that are lying, inventing a reason opadanie or truancy (damage - aborted during working hours). Third possible motive-way cause mental (moral) injury (damage to mental health). Remember Griboedov: False terrible gun? " For a liar and a benefit, he gets a "sadistic" pleasure of schadenfreude at the thought that from his lies someone was hurt. Lies and envy nurses gossip. Fourth possible motive - the benefit lies. " This motif resort doctors when confident that the truth about the disease will kill the patient faster than the terminally ill. Or when the wife / husband intentionally go on cheating for the sake of reconciliation, giving promise of fidelity of its second half, though aware that this promise will not last long. Fifth possible motive - lie for fun, here the range is wide: from the harmless dreams and fantasy in the form of separate episodes; lie as a habit or character trait, an irresistible need to cheat, hoax others, the need to lie, lie, lie, as a behavioral addiction. Second possible motive - lie, as a reaction to the protest and a means of compensation for physical or mental defect of personality. After masking begins in the cradle and continues throughout life "- Ingmar Bergman, Swedish writer and director of theater and cinema. Pathological propensity to lie is also called psevdologiey. But how could we not call (or mythomania psevdologiya) pathological lying as a form of behavioral dependence, it is formed in childhood have a visible and at the same time, a psychopathic personality, seeking the way the illusory satisfaction of needs is not implemented. Way to overcome this behavior by persuasion can not be looking for support of a psychologist or therapist. Professional psychological assistance to the dependent child younger age groups in addressing its mythomania necessarily take into account the individual features: - infantile children are more susceptible to suggestion, to have a very good use of cognitive therapy - the ambitious re-educated easier if access their self-esteem and self-esteem - shy dependent children require careful and at the same time exhibiting strict requirements and conditions. In assistance to adolescents exposed mythomania be aware that their perception of the world no longer children but not the same as in adults. Teenager mythomania due to the fact that he has a teenager's bad enough aware of the real motives of his behavior, he feels as if the inner truth of his actions, but has no words to explain it to others.
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