Characteristic of elderly patients was the emergence of an alarming lack of confidence with constant fear for their health and loved ones, fear of the future, a pessimistic assessment of everyday life conflicts. Simultaneously, patients consistently complained of the weakening of memory videzabyvchivosti that illustrates the difficulties quickly recall needed, especially after the distraction intervention. Objectively, at the same concentration difficulties were found, the application of effort to focus and play in the memory required. Psychometric testing (MMSE) been identifying normal or, more often, border indicators showing signs of questionable cognitive dysfunction. Along with the manifestations of bradipsihizma, torpid thinking, thoroughness and speech in conjunction with "vascular" complaints and history of these disorders are included in the structure psevdonevrastenicheskogo option psychoorganic syndrome. Duration of asthenic disorders in time for course therapy Enerionom ranged from six months to 4 years old and averaged 1,36 ± 0,86 years. Thus, in the study were included patients with predominantly persistent manifestations of asthenic disorders. Among the factors that preceded the development of asthenia (psevdonevrastenicheskih) disorders, it should be noted deterioration somatonevrologicheskogo state manifestations of resistant hypertension or rapid rises in blood pressure with a worsening of "vascular" complaints, and overvalued hypochondriac fixation on the illnesses (17 cases). In 5 cases of asthenic disorders developed after acute psychogenic (bereavement). 11 patients were chronic psychogenic. Long-existing traumatic situations have been associated with severe diseases of persons from the nearest environment, the need to care for dying relatives and in this context of increased physical activity. In other cases, psychogenic factors were persistent interpersonal conflicts in the family, often in connection with alcoholism spouses or adult children. In one third of the observations (9 cases) occurred in the combination of the above factors provoking persistent asthenic disorders in elderly patients. In psychopathological history of patients enrolled in the study, noted earlier psychogenic астенодепрессивныесостояния (8 patients), periods of asthenic disorders (6 patients), endoreaktivnaya dysthymia (1 patient). In 13 out of 28 enrolled in the study of patients with treatment of asthenic disorders has not previously been carried out. In the remaining 15 observations were appointed by nootropic drugs (pikamilon, piracetam), Tanakan, tranquilizers (Medazepam, phenazepam). In this case, only 8 patients had moderate improvement on previous therapy, the remaining 7 - only a slight reducing asthenic disorders. The condition of patients was assessed three times during the study period - before starting Eneriona (0 day), on day 7 of treatment and after therapy - on day 28.
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