Friday, 8 July 2011

Usually tserebrotonik like ...

Usually tserebrotonik like the absent-minded professor, what are, in fact is. Although such people are impulsive, they do not like to waste their energy, prefer to waste no fuss. They like to think, reason to watch. Can not stand the difficulties and try to get away from them, and if the trouble still overtake human brain type, he gets very upset. Friends do not understand it very well, tserebrotoniki fitfully in his movements and feelings. Besides, who understand how easily they worry that could help them adapt and survive in the aggressive world somatonikov and vistsertonikov. When the human mind busy fighting with itself or with the outside world, the method of this struggle is partly determined by personality type. If there is any tough problem, vistsertonik prefer, go to a good company where you can drink and eat, when he would be better off doing things. Somatonik try to do something, to master the situation, even if you do it wasteful and not very smart. Tserebrotonik, in a similar case, retire and begin to ponder the situation, although it would be better do something or go to a good company and forget about everything. Since personality characteristics depend on the growth layers of small eggs, from which evolved people, they are difficult to change, I believe, is to know about these three types at least to guess at what to expect from others and easy on the different types of human personality. Of course, people are referring strictly to the same type are extremely rare, much more common to meet a man, in which only the dominant traits of one type, however, the system of "layers of eggs" - the best to date, in order to judge a person by his appearance. But the view of the nature and man's thoughts, drawn only on the basis of the outline of his silhouette, will be wrong if you do not take into account other features, both permanent and changing its appearance. It is important to take into account the posture most commonly adopted by man, and shades of his smiles, and even the location of the wrinkles on his face. Bearing, demeanor characterize man no less than its constitution. Straight posture, head up, make it clear to associates, that their owner - a confident person who can easily take on a life all that he needs, and to stand in his way is more expensive than themselves. Note that such an impression, the first and most persistent, composed by others, before people began to say, even if he later manifest itself completely from the opposite side, it is still the first impression will be working on it. Why is it so and not otherwise affect the human form is just a straight back? The answer given by the following theory. There were times when the person was already homo, but not yet sapiens, and on par with all the inhabitants of forests, mastered the art of survival, not once noticed that the dispute between themselves, some animals, especially wolves, high lift his head, thus exposing , parading his neck, making it vulnerable, the most vulnerable part of his body.

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