Saturday, 9 July 2011

He seemed to say to the enemy ...

He seemed to say to the enemy ...

He seemed to say to the enemy: "I'm not afraid, because I'm stronger, and you wimp", etc. etc. In this case, interestingly, the opponent does not pounced on his counterpart, and, showing the weakness of his nerves, leaving the territory. The man decided to try to use this method to communicate with other dogs. And was surprised when I received the results even better than expected. And though millions of years have passed, still in the general human consciousness, but rather a subconscious way of a smooth bearing and high growth is inextricably linked with the concept of authority. Something about the nature and especially about the idea at the moment, a closer look will tell gait and rhythm of movement. Swing as smooth rhythm of movements, characteristic of the man in whose life is now a streak of light. He is calm and peaceful, no problems at this moment it is not disturbed. If at this point it will overshadow any idea that he wants to immediately bring to life, his gait immediately changed, becoming tense and seemingly straightforward, the movement will become clear and more coordinated. The upper torso, with a walk, bent forward, which gives the body stability, and makes a person more confident. This step is usually characterized by a strong, business people. Irregularities in rhythm, a variety of stumbling, stumbling, broken in half of motion suggests that people are not quite "himself" not quite "here" to any impulse withstand some force, hence the well-known duality and lack of confidence, reliability, lack of internal freedom - something that meets the internal resistance, for example, goes to school student, have not learned an important lesson. Mental features of human development and his hand intertwined. Several years ago, in junior high, some European countries have been abolished penmanship lessons, motivation was universal computerization, in which like and write, then do not, know yourself PUSH the buttons and everything is in order. But after several years of teacher sounded the alarm, about the sharp decline in intellectual and mental abilities of their students learned calligraphy were introduced again. After the studies were carried out, during which it became clear how strong the relationship between brain and hand. Scientists have received the results from which it follows that, if we believe your eyes mirror the soul, the palm, it can be called a mirror of the brain and mental characteristics of man. And, since everyone, even tiny, part of the body is controlled by the brain, then, as a consequence of our palm reflects our entire body. The shape of the palm, the lines on her people have long tried to predict the future that awaits them in life, most such forecasts had no basis and therefore did not come true, but when his arm trying to determine the character and ability, it is frequently successful.

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