Sometimes, several colors are located next to give a completely unexpected effect. For example, red symbolizes energy, danger, anger, black - secret sorrow. The combination of red and black, reminiscent of something erotic. Response to an innocent question, "What is your favorite color?", The man gives a lot of information about themselves, not knowing that. Doctors, psychologists and philosophers, along with them, have long established that there exists a direct relationship between the color choice of man and his physical and mental state. Known Austrian psychologist M. Luscher, on the basis of his famous color test, and brought the theory of the four types of individual behavior. They were called the red kind of behavior, the type of green, yellow and blue, that is, the names of primary colors of the spectrum. Individual aspirations are determined by the color of behaviors that a person prefers in a given time. Red, the color of energy, pressure, excitement, and people choose it, they want to lead, or lead, active life, tend to be in the thick of things. But the excessive over-frequently leads to a nervous breakdown or a heart attack. Red - the color of the choleric. Blue, the color of calmness and tranquility. By choosing this color, people like to say: "Leave me alone," Blue is selected in the middle, or after intense activity, when a person already feels tired. This color attracts people with reduced excitability of the nervous system and a tendency toward depression. Blue corresponds to the type of melancholy temperament. Yellow symbolizes the optimism, fortitude, desire for freedom, reason. A man who chooses yellow, always difficult to associate myself with some obligations. Behave according to the behavior of the yellow type, sanguine. People with a yellow type of behavior are often vulnerable to respiratory system. Man with green behavior most wants confidence in everything that surrounds it. He secretly wants to control all actions of their subordinates and, preferably, bosses, friends, relatives, acquaintances, all in one word, from whom little of his well-being depends on the thickness of his wallet. I must say, the green is very stubborn in achieving their goals. Green type of behavior is clearly echoes the phlegmatic type of temperament. When the green type of behavior, primarily affects the digestive organs. More precisely, the theory about the types of behavior can be found in the book by M. Luscher "Signals of personality." A link to the many Internet resources that contain color test, having to learn about yourself a lot of new, you will find on Firstpage. Can tell a lot about the people of colors, which they themselves are trying to encircle. We need only look closely at the color of those objects, clothes, interiors, which appeared around the person at his request. If, for example, someone like orange, it does not mean that he should get off shoes orange, but the fact that, by choosing any little thing for himself, he, among many such, choose the orange, of course.
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