Monday, 18 July 2011

Highlight your''no contractual''...

Highlight your''no contractual''...

Select your''not''part of the treaty. The more your authority is based on wisdom and not on power or authority, the less your child will be dealt proudly to you. "Many parents have problems of inconsistency. "When parents are not consistent, children get confused. You have to force yourself to be more consistent." 8. Avoid harsh discipline. Parents should never shock a child under any circumstances. "Children who are punished, always more aggressive and hit, and more likely to fight with other children. They are more likely to be bullies, and are more likely to use aggression to solve disputes with others." "There is much evidence that punishment is positive aggression leads to problems with other children, "- There are many other ways to discipline children, including prohibitions on the use of''Time'', which work better and do not involve aggression in education. 9. Explain your rules and the available solutions. "Good parents have expectations that they want their child to conform. In general, parents often sverhozhidayut from their small children and nedoozhidayut of adolescents. What is obvious to you may not be apparent for 12 years. He does not have the priority judgments or experience you have. "Example: 6-year-old child is very active and very energetic - he blurts out answers in class, does not give other kids a chance, and talks too much in class. His teacher should formulate a children's problem behaviors. He should talk with your child about it. Parents should meet with the teacher and to develop a unified strategy. The child must learn to give other children a chance to answer questions. 10. Treat your child with respect. "The best way to get respectful of your child is to treat them with respect -" You must give your child the same courtesies you would give anyone - else. Speak to him politely. Respect his opinion. Pay attention when he speaks to you. Treat him kindly. Say,''pozhaluysta''-him when you can. Children treat others the way their parents treat them. Your relationship with your child - the basis for its relations with others. "For example, if your child - too picky to eat:" Parents should not make a big deal out of food. Children develop taste preferences gradually. Do not insist on a strict meal times, do not put pressure on the child, do not interpret this as an unpleasant event. Do not replace a healthy, natural food unhealthy foods. If you do not keep unhealthy food in the house, they will not eat it. "Similarly, tantrums in stores, can be avoided, said Dr. Natale -" Children react properly if the rules structure. You can not go shopping without having to train them not to do so. Tell them,''We are in the store exactly 45 minutes. Mother should buy it.''- Show them the list.

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