Thursday, 9 June 2011

Many people die in hospitals ...

It can be very important to tell our children that different people believe different things and that not everyone believes as we do. For example, some believe in an afterlife, some do not. Showing our commitment and respect for other people's beliefs, we make it easier for our children's choice of beliefs that are more than support them, even if they differ from our own. OVERCOMING BANS Death - it's taboo topic, and even those who have a firm belief, may try to avoid talking about it. When a death was an integral part of life. The man died at home surrounded by who loved him. Adults and children experienced death together, mourned together and supported each other. Today, for many death becomes more lonely. Many people die in hospitals, nursing homes, where they are provided with necessary medical care. Loving them have very little good opportunity to be with them and miss the opportunity to share with them the last moments of their lives. Lifetime becomes isolated from dying. Consequently, death becomes more secret, and for some extra pain. Many people are beginning to realize that the attitude towards death as a taboo brings damage and dying, and life itself. Efforts to increase knowledge and freedom of communication on matters relating to death, creating an opportunity to overcome taboos. Part of this effort is the movement of a hospice for children and adults to help equip the dying at home surrounded by loved ones and lovers, pets, favorite things. Parents may be afraid to even think about the death of a child at home, but is now produced in various regions of Russia hospices set themselves the task of ensuring the possibility of obtaining help and advice for all needs that arise in the family due to illness and death of a loved one. For a better understanding of what children think about death, it is necessary to examine children's perception. Scientists have found that two factors affect the reporting of children's death: the stage of their spiritual development and their experiences (including the impact the environment, ethical, cultural, religious background). We must realize that death is the natural end of life of each of the living. Sadness that accompanies dying can best be mitigated care about each other, if you are caring for a sick or just nearby. STAGE spiritual development studies showed that children go through several stages of understanding death. For example, preschool children tend to see death as reversible, temporary, and impersonal. Observations of the cartoon characters in television supernatural returns after they are destroyed leads to an increase of these representations. Between the ages of 5 and 9 years, many children begin to realize that death is the end and that all who are dying. But they still do not see death as personal. They harbor a hope that as it may be able to avoid it by your own ingenuity. At this stage, children's tendency to personification of death.

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