Wednesday, 8 June 2011

If you feel that you have something ...

If you feel that you have something ...

If you think you have something not work if you are afraid of failure (and therefore you do not take this business ), then answer yourself the question: "What would I do if I knew that I will succeed?". The answer to this question will allow you to make a plan (preferably in writing) of your actions that will lead you to success (ie is the materialization of your plan). I made a list of desires in January 2006. About three months I worked with lists and I've made plans for action. I was interested in the plans and forget about work with lists. At the end of 2006, I looked up a list of their desires and surprise: 70 percent of desires satisfied, 30 percent of desires are in progress. And there is no desire to "dead", the impossible. Good luck!

How to choose a therapist-consultant

Sergey Vygonsky Psychiatrist E-mail : Parents often have to decide who to ask for help because of school difficulties, fears or excessive excitability, resulting in their children. Yes, and they themselves often are in the "razdergannom" state, that just right to record to receive a doctor, a visit which usually prefer not familiar story. What to do in this situation? What criteria should be used so mothers and fathers, to determine which caught them specialist - alone or not? COUNSELING AND THE LAW. Of course, the consultant who are going to visit these parents should have the psychological or medical education, confirmed by state diplomas. Besides, if we are talking about a paid admission, the "right" expert is sure to be a license that gives him the right to engage in private practice. with the certificates is somewhat complicated. There are many courses and institutions who undertake a week or two to teach everyone some kind of method of psychotherapy. However, some of these organizations have the status of public associations, and even do not have permission to conduct educational activities. Therefore, the documents that give their students such unscrupulous teachers, no have no legal force. Matriculation certificate. However, the main problem is not the point. It is important that the consultant was not only theoretically "savvy", but also possessed a certain personal resources. Simply put, the client is entitled to expect that the therapist or psychologist will be fully mature and harmonious person. And will not bring in his (client's) psyche further discord. Here, you can use a few simple tests, making it possible to determine the degree of emotional stability and breadth of specialist shower. TEST 1: Burdened by its own problems. First of all, the consultant should not have their own psychological problems. For example, familial or professional. And then fit to recall the old: "Physician - heal itself!" I doubt that the therapist who had just divorced his third wife, is able to give more or less intelligible advice about establish family relationships.

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