Friday, 20 May 2011

There's just a leader who would ...

There's just a leader who would ...

There is only a leader who would have all united. " So, the question arises: who considers himself a player at this point? Omnipotent deity. Exactly. In cases with military strategy takes on a sinister omnipotence, infinite nature. Thirty-two thousand virtual life farmed out to the player. Thus, the game provides a real opportunity to promote the psychological complex of personal omnipotence, which Adler called "the way God likeness". How do you explain the popularity of gaming? Game ritual. They played the evolution of man: the symbolic birth - a symbolic death. Game - it is a repetition of the ritual of initiation. People after the passage of these rituals acquire new qualities. Board games also have a predictive function. People were playing to see what the outcome of an important event. During the game, mind indirectly gave signals about the degree of maturity of man and his readiness to forthcoming events. Incidentally, almost all board games have a computer analogy. I noticed that the computer card games are often explicitly erotic nature. In particular, strip poker. Initially, a picture of the robot, and only in the process of undressing, he turns into a living woman. How do you propose to interpret the sexual scenario? This can be interpreted as a demonstration of emasculation sexual feelings at all, which is associated with a virtual environment. Computer Reality is so possessed by man, that there is a replacement of the living dead and mechanical. On the other hand, is looking for integrity - the transformation of the robot in a woman. It turns out, is "Return to Innocence" is typical for gaming? Yes, and in support of another example. There is a version of Tetris, where fragments of the components of the human person. Here too there is a movement from fragmentation to wholeness. In fact, it's the same thing for each of the principle. The movement from chaos, confusion of the current situation, when a person does not know what to expect in the future. Internal psychological structure aimed at developing the most important, data on the nature of qualities. At the same time a man reaches the fullness of life, as developing the most talented side. And it all happens in a game? And during the game and in real life. These are two parallel processes that are in depth psychology are rather complex title of "individuation." By constant shifts of people close to the situation where the same inner state of mind and what he does in real life. If not, then the "inner" simply absorbs the man, and he may, for example, immerse themselves in fantasy. And their own, and computer. What is the Internet so attractive to people? Human life consists of two parts. The first - nine months of prenatal existence. This part - the most mythologized. Suffice it to recall the myth of the garden of Eden and the expulsion from it. Ways for a man in a paradise lost - many: drugs, meditation, religious quest. "E" loneliness on the Internet - the same meditation.

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