Monday, 2 May 2011

Currently, there are therapeutic ...

Even Sigmund Freud once made a discovery that connects psychology and medicine. He proved that the deep unconscious structures live by their own laws and the stress experienced by one is stored in them and may eventually lead to different diseases, because our physical body is a "storage system". Tissue cells of various organs have their unique information, so there is a clear relationship between the nature of mind, body parts and physical health problems, so the symptoms of disease - it is a purely external manifestations of spiritual sickness in humans. Thus, it is chronic stress conditions are major causes of diseases such as high blood pressure, migraine, various forms of allergy, asthma, constipation, colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, menstrual complications, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, skin diseases, etc. But all this is, as you already know, a consequence of stress, ie the bodily manifestations of accumulated internal stress. Being completely psychological in nature, chronic stress very clearly manifested at the level of the human psyche. Here, its main symptoms are: constant irritation when dealing with people, loss of interest in life, permanent or arising from case to case fear of ill; continuous expectation of failure, the feeling that you - a bad or even self-loathing, the difficulty in making decisions; loss of interest in other people, a constant feeling of barely suppressed anger or rage, inability to show true feelings, the feeling that you are a target, the object of hostility from others, loss of sense of humor and ability to laugh at, fear of the future, fear of their own inadequacy, a sense of that nobody can be trusted; decreased ability to concentrate, an intense fear of open or closed spaces or fear of intimacy. Recognize signs of stress accumulated in the body can be before they will be in the form of some disease - for its purely physiological manifestations, such as such as lack of appetite or constant overeating (as a result of excessive stress), frequent indigestion and heartburn, constipation or diarrhea, insomnia and constant feeling of fatigue, excessive sweating, nervous tic, constant nail biting, headaches, muscle cramps, nausea, difficulty breathing, fainting, tearfulness for no apparent reason, impotence or frigidity, inability to stay long in one place - habit of fidgeting in his chair ("a syndrome of motor restlessness), etc. Currently, there are therapeutic techniques that allow to remove negative information from the subconscious, leading to disease. In addition, qualified therapists are helping people to create a positive attitude towards the surrounding reality, create a positive stereotype, are taught how to avoid future distressovyh reactions.

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