Saturday, 21 May 2011

And that elite has been moving further away ...

And this elite has been moving further away from the lowest strata of the population. Those who have money and have access to information which is not obtainable through traditional sources - books, newspapers and television. And this information is used to further advance the social ladder. As a result, these people quickly make a career, get more revenue. Although you can definitely say that the Internet forms and marginalized group of people. Hacker community - only one of these groups. A related and distribution network literature, is not always innocuous content. However, this does not mean that action is required of any social constraints. Than the Internet attracts outsiders? Anonymity - the main thing that makes online communication. Anonymity frees latent complexes, primarily associated with aggression and sexuality. Psychoanalysts pay attention to the possibility of sex change. If a person has a heart, such as homosexuality, the Internet is pushing for the implementation hidden. Another example of extraordinary behavior on the Web - aliases. Here the full set of mythological, and rather gloomy. All sorts of "Dr. Jekyll" and "Darksaydy. Somehow, bright and cheerful little nicknames. What are the symptoms depending on the Internet? In psychology, the concept of "flow." With the rapid movement on "Internet based" pages on the person seeks a rapid flow of information. In this case, the user's attention is focused. U interetchikov "on their stories, there is a sense of calling. Man loses sense of reality and feels that he must do something beyond the boundaries of the possible. Such euphoria - one of the conditions for the emergence of dependence. Outwardly, it looks like hours of aimless surfing the web. Obtaining information here only motive for the presence on the web. And you believe that this is a dangerous addiction? I think it's time to create a society of Anonymous Internet users - such as the Society of Alcoholics Anonymous. When there is Internet addiction, we must first try to handle it yourself. Experience shows that the main condition for the fight against addiction - it is an internal position of dependence. Even if the struggle is with assistance. I use the term "kiborgizatsiya" refer to the psychological fusion of man with electronic devices. Incidentally, I saw myself in a similar relationship. Typing on the computer more enjoyable than writing by hand. And this is hard to refuse. Man is so made that constantly needs new experiences. In the industrial age to do so, for example, traveled. Now even more thrilling experience you can get anything physically without doing "on the spot." We can say that virtualization is our spiritual life. How will it affect the spread of the Web on the development of civilization? I think that is one of the protective mechanisms, which included nature. Peculiar reaction to overpopulation of the planet.

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