Saturday, 23 April 2011

"But": let's not read the writing ...


Yelena Yegorova, a psychologist

to put the past painlessly

The past determines our present and future. We often worry about something that no longer exist. The past - it is our memories and, most importantly, a sense of them. A feeling we are subject. There are three ways by which you can reprogram the past. Why? In the name of the future. The adoption of fact Try to write a book about his life - not for publication, for myself - and reflect it in the event of concern to you so far. You can - and even better! - Do not follow the chronology, let this be a collection of short stories. May arise painful sensations caused by "razvoroshennym hive" memories. If the experiences are too strong, leave this lesson: in this case, better to see a therapist. For those who continue to remember and record, we note: the process of transfer of feelings to paper or computer screen requires a new and - almost always - the final of their experience. And - parting with them. Written begins his own life, and if you read the "story of their sufferings, is likely to treat her indifferently. As you read, you can even feel proud of their experiences: every life is worth it to enter into a book. Will change and your attitude to some events: you look at them with humor or a sad smile. In general, realize that everything in life is natural, one event follows from another - and then everything happened as it should have happened. "But": let's not read writing to anyone, even your loved ones, especially those who once hurting you. They may well regret their actions, and should not aggravate the pangs of their conscience. Yourself to settle scores on the paper with their grievances. Reduced - and calmed down. Start keeping a diary: each passing day - is also the past, summing up its results will provide an opportunity to free themselves from its cargo, and with renewed energy to start the day tomorrow. Pity When we were young, we thought that hurt us. In varying degrees, but almost everyone. Experiences and have remained in us a heavy burden, because we understand them then they could not. But we can do it now. For example, you still remember with horror, as in the days when you were five years old, my parents terribly quarreling in front of you. Got to you. Try to remember the whole scene to the last detail: itself (what you wore, where there were), their parents, their faces at the moment, replicas, etc. Imagine that you have a child, but not shaking with fear, and looking with pity and the love of two people quarreling family - mom and dad. Imagine their children. They should really feel sorry, because they were bad. At the time, you lose the scene in imagination, the role has changed: you - an intelligent and good parent who has never offended the children - in this case, the mom and dad. There is an excellent idea that "mankind has parted ways with its past, laughing," but again as we all know, funny - not scary. You once hit a man? How long have you divorced him, but the thought that you were used to violence, does not let you, and you still do not trust men? Remember the whole scene: his face distorted with anger, or registered to strike his hand.

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