Sunday, 17 April 2011

In this case, the signal has been received ...

In this case, the signal has been received ...

In this case, the signal received by the projection area of ??the cortex, then moved to the associative cortex, hippocampus, the area of ??emotions and motivations of the hypothalamus, and again returns to the projection area, thereby responding to information re-synthesis of the information received, with already available. Presumably, this is the cerebral basis of subjective experiences (Ivanitsky, 1976; Ivanitskii et al, 1984). A similar idea underlies the theory of consciousness developed by J. Edelmenom (Edelmen, 1981; Edelman, 1989). In his opinion, subjective feelings (awareness) arise at the time of re-entry signal in the same neural structures, which he already did. Feedback can take place along different paths, and the signals can come from both the external environment, and after the processing of information in other structures. During one cycle is 100 - 150 ms. B. Libet (Libet B., 1991) recorded the responses of neurons with bare areas of the cortex to stimulation of the skin and found that the stimulus is not recognized (skin irritation not felt), when cortical activation, which arose in response to this stimulus, lasts less than 300 - 500 ms. The author not only confirms the fact of unconscious perception, but also simulates the proposed filtering mechanism. Thus, in the following experiments, using two stimuli (skin irritation) with small intervals of time, B. Libet found that if the second stimulus is stronger than the first, the reaction to the second stimulus inhibits the response to the first. As a result of oppression and interruption of the cortical response to first stimulus - there is no awareness of the relevant skin irritation. The role of inhibitory factors, as suggested by the author, can act and internal brain processes. This concept of filtering and monitoring mechanism "in some sense similar to the concept of" censorship "of Freud. However, offering both the concept of "crowding out", Freud apparently assumed the existence of two different mechanisms. In essence, these concepts reflect different approaches in trying to explain the same phenomenon. The difference of approaches is which side to observe this phenomenon: with conscious - or unconscious. This is the same: to be in a lighted room, where only a dark cabinet, or - in the dark, but with a flashlight. That is, whether the awareness of "reactive" process and repression - the "active". Or the awareness of "active", whereas "censorship" as a kind of flap - "reactive". Job B. Libet (Libet B., 1991) inclines it to the final concept (censorship). It can be stated as follows: there is a mechanism of active response to changes in the environment (including the emotions and motivations), but if in a certain situation is a vigorous reaction is impractical, then simply do not allow these emotions and motivations (the signals, their cause) to perception. In such an interpretation would be enough of a notion of "censorship". But since consciousness is a definite reference point, then argue it is more convenient from the standpoint of consciousness. Consequently, if the need arises, the term "crowding out" may well replace the term "censorship".

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