It is necessary to consider the possibility of side effects of parkinsonism, dyskinesia, akathisia. Appointing antipsychotics in patients with dementia should not forget about the possibility of having a clinically similar to Alzheimer's disease diffuse Lewy, in which the use of neuroleptics, even in small doses, is not shown. When anxiety and insomnia use small doses of benzodiazepine drugs. Treatment for these patients is a complex task, which includes not only medication but also social and psychological support, patient care. Where possible patients should be encouraged to feasible household and social activities, to avoid premature and prolonged hospitalization. Published with permission from Russian Medical Journal.
'Beso obsessed'
PhD LE Gorelova MMA behalf IM Sechenov Already in the first Russian historical and manuscript sources, and later in the archival documents contain references to mentally ill people. In one of the earliest literary monuments that have appeared in the XIII century, "the Kiev-Pechersk Paterikon" refers to the monk who "tormented Be on the actions of the devil ..." A few cases of cure "obsession devils" described in the pages of other manuscripts of Kievan Rus - The Life of Theodosius of the Caves »(XI century). Reasonably can be assumed that the psychological morbidity in those days, especially among women and children, could not have a negative impact numerous wars, the descriptions are replete with books, as well as natural disasters. Only during XVIXVII centuries, according to the chronicler, Russia has experienced 26 "of great storms, 15 earthquakes and 37 large fires. Chronicle and report of 112 hungry years. Hunger and associated mortality have also contributed to the emergence of mental illness. During the famine in 1231 only in Novgorod killed 45 000 people, and the total number of deaths in Russia are not set to "unknown Colico pogrebeshe hristolyubtsy Gladney. In the extant old medical manual are various names of mental disorders: mental confusion, "" Crazy on Reason, "was mad," was isstuplena "," sick of the demon, "" demon possessed ". In describing some of them could be traced even attempt to identify the causes of these disorders. So, Old healers (lechtsy) suggested that in some cases suffering infuses the devil in others the cause of the disease were seen in the "diabolical obsession, and in others the source was determined by the influence of" evil eye ". Even in pre-Christian period in Russia began to appear people involved in healing, known as "sorcerers", "witches," "Magi" and "witch." Therapeutic agents were herbs, flowers and roots, along with amulets, "blow", conspiracies, and divination. Such "lechtsy" were the first healers of mental illness. Care mentally ill after the adoption of Christianity was mainly carried out of the Russian Orthodox Church.
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