Thursday, 25 August 2011

In the course of this work should not be ...

In the course of this work should not be ...

In the course of this work should not ignore the data of instrumental and laboratory studies, which serve as a kind of visual aids in patient demonstrations harm to his health smoking. It is important not only that the patient must be aware of the risks to which he subjects his body. Yet, even more importantly, that it should deeply aware of this risk and take responsibility for it. However, keep in mind that not every person's health is a leading factor in the hierarchy of values. Many subjectively more important seems to preserve feelings of psychological comfort and control over their emotional state, which is achieved by smoking. Another most important is how they look in the eyes of the team [16]. Each of these moments can contribute to the initiation and continuation of smoking. But while each of them can be used to help patients get rid of the habit. For example, patients treated with tobacco as a relaxation (or, conversely, stimulating) doping, can you explain that so he gets a state of delusional, or if I may say so, "pathological" comfort caused by the influence of drugs. Consequently, he not only gets control of himself and the situation, but, in contrast, loses it, falling into drug dependency. Child or young person, imitating adult smoking in an effort to "look over" in the eyes of peers, it is possible to make it clear that by resorting to smoking, it just manifests itself as a dependent and immature personality, going on about the most. We should not forget that for many patients is extremely important are issues such as appearance, performance, health of our families (I mean "passive smoking"), etc. Just like most other substance abuse, tabagism passes through a phase of psychological and physical dependence with the formation of the final stages of withdrawal syndrome, characterized by the appearance of a number of somatic and psychic discomfort for smoking cessation

How to remember a lot, fast and reliable

Irina Fomenko possible to quickly memorize the maximum of information, at a cost with a minimum of effort? Yes, you may need to know only a few techniques and to understand the mechanisms of memory. So, understand, remembering is of 2 types, voluntary and involuntary, that is, when something memorable by itself. Each used to cleave any stupidity, or a phrase from a stupid song or slogan and began to torment the brains, here it is - a vivid example of involuntary memory. When you need to remember something specific, in the course is voluntary memorization, which is in turn divided into mechanical (sap), and the logical (understanding memorized), and memory. Although voluntary memorization occasionally presents pleasant surprises, that is, information is stored by itself, and long forgotten, but agree it happens, alas! rare.

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