Here - the deceit and lies the chief - the game only gives the impression that you got it all.'s passion for risk, the thrill, the concentration of emotion (just this attractive and dangerous gambling) is so strong that it can only be compared with addiction to drugs, when a man forgets prudence , caution, do not take into account a danger to his life, plunging into destitution relatives, forcing them to work in 2 - 3-point, to pay off gambling debts (the case with the nurse, who lands on a hook on the game apparatus, its debts practiced husband, daughter and son-in). Professor of the University of Illinois Henry Leser quizzed members of society anonymous players. The results of the survey: 26 percent of them were divorced and 34% - have lost or quit your job, 44% - for payment of debts stealing at work, 21 % - declared bankruptcy, 18% - were arrested, 66% - thought about suicide, 16% - tried to commit suicide; played fortunes. For example, the life of Nicholas N. Here it is going to start an independent life, a wedding soon.'s parents, many years, raise funds, give the young the day of the wedding money so they bought an apartment, but two weeks Nick loses everything to the penny a young woman exorbitant gambling debts forced into prostitution. Another example - the gentleman who owns the store lost all their daily income on playing apparatus installed in the foyer of his own shop. So cruel game cheats, robs not only money but also of faith, hope, love, health and often lives. There is destruction of character, personality (which is akin to alcohol or drug degradation), there is falsity , stealth, resourcefulness, callous, selfish traits exacerbated the desire to live at the expense of others. No good intentions, pleas, threats, prohibitions and penalties can not keep from ever recurring involvement in gambling. the process of personality deepens, exacerbated by social consequences such as impoverishment, disintegration of family relationships, job loss. Rising debt pushed to suicide or criminal activity. At the level of developed neurotic depression, fear, anxiety, and as a consequence - persistent sleep disorders, and watched the evolving relationship to sleeping pills, tranquilizers or alcohol. CAUSE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL DEPENDENCE CONCEPT IGROMANICHESKOY psychological pre-programmed GA Shichko. The author explained the concept of alcohol psychological dependence. Let's try this concept be adapted to gambling. The essence of the concept: Influenced by external influences from early childhood (words and deeds of relatives, friends, reading books , movies, etc.), under the influence of internal influences most gambling since the initiation and further repetition of multiple acts of gambling as a result of the brain in people formed the program of gambling behavior, mood (the decision to commit these acts), beliefs ( confidence in their legality, propriety and even necessity).
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