Monday, 25 July 2011

Chronic impatience. Haste ...

Chronic impatience. Haste leads to losses, as applied to HIV-positive people, related to personality type A, haste leads to loss of cells CD4 +. Type A individuals should be advised to hold regular sessions of deep relaxation. It does not require a special program on meditation, it is enough warm bath, a nap for ten minutes, or just sit for a few minutes in a quiet darkened room. 3. Long-existing stress. Stress, many months (and it often occurs in HIV infection), finally has a destructive effect on the immune system. Patients suffering from chronic intense stress, must be persuaded to develop a concrete plan to combat the known sources of stress in their lives. Simple preparation of such a plan in itself reduces stress, since it allows that the stress factors can be addressed. 4. Prolonged grief. Patients experiencing severe grief, in connection with the death of the patient, more than six months should be encouraged to organize a farewell ritual. It needs to be held in a special day at a specific time and place that has great significance for the patient. The event should involve the appropriate people. This event will give tribute to the deceased in the expressive form and will complete his period of mourning. To stop a prolonged period of mourning is often useful short-term counseling. 5. Depression. People living with HIV, depression is often unrecognized and untreated flows. This is partly explained by the fact that the classic symptoms of depression - fatigue, sleep disturbance, decreased libido, impairment of concentration - also characteristic of HIV infection itself. As a result, these symptoms are wrongly attributed to progressive disease rather than depression. Many people who provide care for patients mistakenly believe that symptoms such as general demoralization, sense of deep hopelessness, loss of orientation, purpose and self-esteem are manifestations of common emotional reaction to the harsh reality of living with HIV and therefore do not require treatment. In view of this widespread misconception, it is necessary to repeat emphatically that chronic depression is never normal. For the treatment of clinical cases of depression commonly used drug therapy, and the emergence of new, safer and better tolerated antidepressants, has opened new possibilities for choosing drug. Health care workers should be aware that all patients with clinical depression need regular counseling. 6. Lack of goals and objectives. Studies conducted in humans for a long time living with HIV, show that most of them occupied a meaningful, purposeful activities. Patients devoid of any purpose, should be encouraged to return to some realistic short-term value problems from which they had previously refused when they learned they had been infected with HIV. (Many people living with HIV for a long time, proud to call volunteer activities as a goal in their lives.) Alternatively, you can invite to the planning of new short-term objectives and to renew and modify some cherished long-term goals that may not seem so unrealistic, before the introduction of HAART. 7.

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