Thursday, 30 June 2011

Studies with zolpidem have shown ...

Research with zolpidem have shown that periodic use (three - five times a week) can also be effective for chronic insomnia, with the persistent effect was noted in those nights when the drug is taken, and the dream is not worsened compared to baseline status in the night without medication. The impact of withdrawal of medication, especially rikoshetnoy insomnia, are rare after the cessation of long-acting benzodiazepines, and tend to be mild manifestation after discontinuation of benzodiazepines intermediate steps. However, reported severe rikoshetnoy insomnia after cessation of triazolam, a short preparation steps, which usually lasts from one to three nights .. In contrast, studies have shown a slight rikoshetnuyu insomnia or lack thereof; rikoshetnoy insomnia was not observed after discontinuation of zaleplon. The rate of withdrawal of benzodiazepines should be individualized, depending on the half-life and dosage, duration of therapy and whether chronic or acute insomnia. Several cases of anterograde amnesia, a day after the use of triazolam, but the prevalence of this adverse event is unknown. While various studies have shown deficits in memory after the use of different half-life benzodiazepines, clinically significant amnesia, seems to be mainly limited to short-acting drugs. Amnesia, including those associated with sleep-related eating,. has been described using zolpidem, but much less frequently - by using triazolam. The most pronounced side effects of long-acting benzodiazepines - daytime sleepiness and poor coordination. These effects may also reported with drugs of intermediate steps, but less frequently: they are rarely caused by medications brief action, such as triazolam, and usually observed only at high doses. Side effects are more common in the elderly, and here we need to reduce the dose. Using long-acting benzodiazepines was associated with an increased risk of falls and hip fractures in elderly people. The problem with most studies of these drugs - their limited duration of the average duration of treatment in 22 studies included in the above-mentioned meta-analysis - 12 days (maximum period of -35 days). Short-term tolerance, defined by the deterioration of performance of sleep over time was not marked by the use of temazepam for 8 weeks, zolpidem continuously for 4-5 weeks or intermittently for 12 weeks, or when using zaleplone for 4-5 weeks. The longest test (6 months of treatment with eszopiclone) showed persistent beneficial effects without the development of tolerance. Antidepressants with sedative effects are increasingly appointed for chronic insomnia, despite the paucity of data from randomized trials to support this practice. Small, randomized trials demonstrated the efficacy of trazodone (trazodone) in the treatment of insomnia in patients with depression. 14 - day trial comparing trazodone, zolpidem and placebo in patients with primary insomnia showed improvement in latency and duration of sleep (measured by questionnaire) in the appointment of trazodone compared with placebo, but less of an effect when compared with zolpidem.

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