Sunday, 26 June 2011

So in today's society there are ...

So in today's society there are ...

So in today's society there are two global areas of concern in which conduct their activities the overwhelming majority of charitable organizations: poverty and health. However, these areas of concern in different ways are in the attention. Poverty and disease as differently distributed in different countries and peoples. Therefore, often, charities guide its activities in specific geographic areas of concern, where the struggle is carried out with specific problems (for example, malnutrition in the poorest countries in Africa). From its very inception it was this narrow focus has been the hallmark of philanthropic organizations [8. - S. 127]. However, in recent years, the world possesses the charitable organization, the scope of which expanded and not so narrow. The most common such extension occurs at the expense of erasing geographical boundaries. Apparently it is a natural process in the context of globalization. In addition, this process can talk about a change in public opinion focus on particular problems to the overall perspective of any issue. Thanks to this modern society gets the task and at the same time an opportunity to address global issues of humanity to a higher, more productive level. Due to the development of socio-psychological knowledge, as well as on the basis of social work practice that is effective to teach a person to solve the problem than to solve it per person. Therefore, we can observe at this point a gradual change of form of charitable activity with predominantly humanitarian in mostly from developing, which today is the deployment of a set of social and psychological programs that were previously only under the auspices of the state. This suggests that the social consciousness rises to a new higher level in this matter. In the near future will be a topical issue of creating a single focal point for charity. The second level of the phenomenon blagotvoritelskogo movement is the level of socio-psychological issues as the development of society and the development of human consciousness and parallel to it. So increasing the number of people involved in charity work suggests that in a society growing number of people with prosocial orientation of consciousness. It shows how changing social interests of humanity. Since the charity may engage in either affluent or those who feel it to your life, improve the general welfare and the preaching of humanist and socialist ideals in the population will inevitably lead to increased opportunities for charitable organizations through financial contributions and the increase of human resources. Such a development is inevitable in the opinion of Dr. Timothy Leary [6. - S. 71, 139] and it corresponds to a socialist system of government. Since the development of socialism in the most productive in a democracy (for example, Sweden, Canada and some other countries), the Russian society with specific focus on the development of democracy, the general welfare, and humanity is on the right path, even though today is only its beginning.

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