Side effects from taking tetrads in this group also were found. Physical strength and coordination of movements in this group, as measured by neurological tests and hand dynamometer has not changed, as in the other groups, or changed insignificantly. Currently, there is a question about patenting an effective anti-stress tetrad and its application in contingent moments leading up to high occupational stress (manager, employees of intelligence agencies, pilots, Interior Ministry, the driver long distance, vennye, soldiers in the fighting, people after disasters, earthquakes , hostages, and so on. It is interesting to note that the incidence of post traumatic stress disorders in these groups was three times lower than that of persons not conducting farmakopsihoprofilaktiku these drugs (preliminary data). Literature. 1.N.Sandberg.A. Weinberger, Dzh.Taplin. psihologiya.Teoriya clinical, practice and research. 5 th international izdanie.S-Peterburg.Moskva.Evroznak. "Olma-Press" .., 2005, 384 pp. 2.Psihiatriya. "Foreign practical guide in Medicine "Under red.L shader. Trans. from English.-M., Practice, 1998.-485 with. 3,4,5 .- MD-Mashkovsky drugs. In two volumes. T1 ..- ed. 13, new, Kharkov, Torsing, 1997.-p.45-135. 6.To cit. 84. 7.American Psychiatric Association.Practice guideline for the treatent of patients with borderline personality disorder.204. Available at : http://www.psvch.ora/psch/psvch.pract/treata/paborderline revisebook 3 cfm / Accessed Julv 6,2005. 8.H.Winter Griffith, M. Dambro, M. Griffith. The five minute clinical consult . Lea & Febiger.Philadselphia.Baltimore.Hong Kong.London.Munich.Sydney.Tokio.A Waverly Company.1994. pp1215.-p.375, 606. 9.E.Mindell. Handbook of vitamin and mineral veschestvam.Per. from English. Moscow . Medicine and pitanie.1997.-320s., p.108. 10.Emsli J. Elements.: Trans. from English. - M.: Mir, 1993, with -256., il. 11.Rogov EI handbook of practical psychology in education: Textbook .- M.: VLADOS, 1995 .- 529 sec. 62-63. 12.Registr drugs in Russia. radars. Encyclopedia of drugs. 2004. N 11. OOO RLS-2004 ". S.216. 13.Bleyher VM, Crook IV pathopsychological Diagnosis .- K.: how healthy I am, 1986.-p.42-43. Published with permission.
Stuttering? Whether Cicero
Vladimir Kukk psychiatrist, psychologist, social activist web: e-mail: dr.kukk @ Stuttering, logoneurosis, inappropriate verbal behavior, as the dependence of the habit to control their speech with the result of the reverse desired effect. The prevalence of stuttering varies from 0.47 to 9.98% of total population. That is, in different age groups, the percentage distribution of this dependence is different, but overall, globally, in the modern world stutters around about 1 % of all residents, in quantitative terms, corresponds to about fifty million people. Stuttering - speech disorder, which is not only widespread among children and adults, but different causes of diverse, complex symptom and a number of cases is not highly effective treatment.
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