Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Allow yourself the right to make mistakes ...

Allow yourself the right to make mistakes. People who stutter to their diligence and control themselves, "slow down" the work of the speech apparatus. When can "pull the verbal brakes, it becomes smooth and free, children or adults are no longer anxious, constantly monitor their verbal behavior, they begin to speak freely. They begin to speak creatively, that is, children or adults are themselves. Creative speech, as opposed to memorized, always spontaneous, always natural. Free speech - is primarily self-expression. In the problem of inappropriate verbal behavior necessarily intertwined with the estimated dependency, dual control: your own voice control (whether I say?) And the alleged voice control of the important people (they do not like what I say?). Remove dependency evaluation, remove fears, teach relaxed style of behavior and speech - the first task of a psychologist or therapist. The essence of psychotherapy Remove this ubiquitous control, and functional training to consolidate free speech. A simple trick: teen wear headphones through which he hears a pleasant relaxing music, the melody sounds so that the trainee could not hear her speech, she interrupts the watchdog role over their own speech. At this time the trainee offer to read aloud poems, stories, any text. The recorder writes the speech. Then you can listen to the recording and make sure that when the control is removed it is really free. Such exercises a lot, well, for example, read aloud (quietly) and loud (whispering) poetry, short stories, read, tightly clenched teeth, training with a dictionary, training with the rhythm of breath, coaching changes in the rate of speech (deceleration and acceleration), training with emotional modulations and others. Harbingers of stuttering should be: tall, thin voice, accelerated speech, as if chopped, with pauses, repetitions of syllables, stretching the sounds, rapid, irregular breathing, and the fact that the shoulders when inhaling rise; neck restraint, head-to-voltage is lowered. It is important to learn to "feel" them and remove as soon as they begin to appear. This is especially true for children with a tendency to neurosis. Reading texts aloud: the working off of rhythm, breathing, combined with the emotional and breathing exercises, relaxation training session largely removes these obstacles speech. Through regular speech training pathological reflexes go, produced by new - reflections of free speech. One-time methods and techniques to quickly remove the fears, but do not produce reflections of free speech. There are no miracles. Need a fun, interesting, creative work on his speech, but the job! The result must come! Where he go? Here is an example of his practice: Nick B, aged 14, student 7 th grade. Mother - an accountant, a father-builder. Childbirth and the early development of consistent healthy. Brought up an only child. At the age of 6 years as a result of the situation has evolved psychotraumatic logoneurosis. But after 6 months it has recovered fully, speech disorders occurred periodically with strong agitation until the age of 11 years.

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