Hypnosis and suggestive methods also do not produce results because of low patient suggestibility instability of reflective processes. After passing the stages of alcoholism treatment, and not denying them, in the form of detoxification, rehabilitation, clinical psychologist to prevent relyapsa worked out with him a creative model, its like a beautiful, wonderful, attentive son, a man of exceptional sobriety, who is proud of his sobriety, in addition wary of making any alcohol. Then, this formula has been translated into non-verbal way of meditative self-love and admiration for oneself, a new, on which the patient copper are oriented for 10-12 minutes 5-7raz a day. At the same time he was supposed to have no feelings of separation from the objects (5), and do not turn off emotions, as required by traditional techniques, and a sense of self-love - new and admiration for a new one, with the see in front of their new image, designed in conjunction with clinical psychologist. At the same from him did not require any other work with the therapist, provided regular meditation on a new clinical form of creative self. Since, there is little to "keep the knowledge in memory, must be in love with him" (6). It is this method caused a prolonged and significant remission of his illness, which was not at other treatment options. The results continue to be observed in our clinic, but the duration of remission achieved (more than 1 year), we are encouraged. Literature: 1.NOVAYA psychotherapeutic technique: "Hey-Si-EM - (Applied Creative Meditation (Applied creative meditation-« ACM »)" to address the psychological, psychosomatic, mental, emotional and personal problems of patients, as well as lifestyle changes in for health. SR Sokolovsky 26.10.2005.http: / / www.medlinks.rurticle/php?sid=22750 2.Didonna F. Mindfulness based cognitive therapy for depression, anxiety disorders and borderline personality disorders.-Cognitive Behavior therapy : The art of integrative science. Pre-Congress Mini Workshop. Abstract book. P.18. 3.Anonimnye alcoholics. Translated from English. Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. New York, 1989, 184 4.Yury Sokolov. As abandon kureniya.Sankt-Peterburg.1997. to .45. Shichko-method. 5 .. Chatterjee, S., D. Dutta Indian Philosophy: Trans. angl.-M. with: Selena, 1994., pp. 289. 6 . Jalal ad-Din Rumi. Treasury memories. Sufi poetry.. / translation from English. - 2 ed. ext. - M.: Sofia, p.20 Gelios.2002 .- (R, 3038). Published by the author's consent 23.11 .2005, the
scheme of forming a therapeutic model of AFM as an example the treatment of metabolic syndrome in 47-year-old patient
SR Sokolovsky, Department of Psychology PF MSSU, Pyatigorsk. PashaPashin317@hotmail.com feature of the therapeutic treatment of patients staffed by general practitioners in over 40 years, with increasing trend of increasing life expectancy and the availability of many chronic diseases, a variety of somatic and psychopathological disorders, intricately entwined in the context of the personality, lifestyle, habits, mentality, materialn6yh and social conditions, predicates genetic diseases, especially tolerability of treatment.
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