Saturday, 14 May 2011

Children - our mythology, our uncomplicated ...

Children - our mythology, our uncomplicated natural, our essence - the destruction of our subjectivity. Such pathological tendencies begin to manifest in early childhood, it was then beginning to emerge mythomania. To help you become very very clear what is at stake, I'd better bring a case from his practice: to me for advice came to my mother, living in the northern part of Tallinn, a daughter Regina, who has turned 11 years old: Regina learns well, additionally engaged French and German languages, walks in the sports section of tennis. Active, sociable, she has many friends. But lately, I have ceased to understand her daughter every step of beginning to lie, to invent a fantasy world. Regina constantly comes up with some incredible stories, but then it says: classmates, teachers, children who live in our house. During the class asked to be in the toilet but the toilet did not go, and began walking to class and announce to everyone gathered in the auditorium that it meets the disposal of the Director that it will conduct apprentice "Anti - Terror" Police officers prefecture. All believe: and school teachers and students, and indeed have come to expect the start of these exercises. In essence, Regina disrupted classes the whole school. When I learned it was ready to sink into the ground and though she would be "henna", without even blushing. Such stories set. More recently, a winter vacation Regina sent to St. Petersburg to his grandfather. Regina, and there are constantly played the visiting his grandfather. As he walked into the store opened Regina all the windows wide open and the wind began to pile the snow room, returned, bewildered grandfather was baffled by the statement Regions: "The house has a gas leak, officials came" Lengaza "and ordered them to ventilate the premises." Grandpa went to find out details of their neighbors, they asked the other , alarmed the whole house, someone actually called emergency services. Pretty soon found out that there was no gas leak, a leak of hearing about it. And it was not an isolated case. My grandfather begged quickly pick up Regina back in Tallinn. Mama Regina continues: "And how many stories about vampires, aliens, UFOs, witches and vampires ... and bring about the ghosts. Her fantasy is not the end!" And last year, in May, Regina made me buy a house paints in 3000 kroner ( equivalent to 200 euros), said that the campaign will be held at the school "school - the country of his childhood and that every parent should donate to the school building materials or money, since the summer will be big improvements, like a fool I was to organize the School Facility Repair" schools among parents of the class. And this time everything was sewn with white thread. When all spontaneously formed council "repair fund" in full force, said the director, to ceremonially bring all donated building materials (in the courtyard stood a loaded machine), the director " fallen off the "jaw. One day, Regina was late with a walk and she told that she was in the scouts conducted an audit basement school building that they were lost in the catacombs, and they were attacked by a rat mutant, a boy with a can of tear gas and using This means they have taken on the strength of his legs.

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