Friday, 2 September 2011

for the highest possible reproduction ...

for the highest possible reproduction ...

For the highest possible fertility main distributor. What will be selectively advantageous action in this situation? This will depend on whether there is competition for resources (in whatever form) between the given individual and the main distributor of its genes. If predpolagaemaya, the total for the entire period of his life (from the moment when a relative of the recipient has become a major distributor of genes given individual), the value of the resource extracted and given to the ground the distributor will be higher than anticipated damage to him at a competition, it is expedient to continue to selectively extract the resource. If below - useful to selectively stop all mining resources, including on the livelihoods of their own body. Situation № 2 № 3, and the situation will shape the adaptive features that can be described as "self-limiting reaction (a similar term -" the effect of self-restraint "was introduced by Chapman. Litas number 2). Adaptive features formed situation number 2 - this is the reaction of self-restraint, lowering fitness of individuals in favor of another individual (individuals), but not at the expense of the components of viability. Adaptive features formed situation number 3 - are signs of decreasing the fitness of individuals, including lowering viability. These adaptive features are similar to known adaptive characteristics akin to altruism, but may not to be behavioral. Such signs are not necessarily perceived particular, their support, both useful and correct, but may be perceived as negative, unwanted subconscious (psychosomatic) reaction of the body, unlike the behavioral traits that may not be such as not will be executed. The selective value of such an adaptive trait may be very minor. But one of the properties of the process of evolution is that no matter how minimal a selective advantage did not have this feature, but if it's an advantage all the time, this feature will be distributed in the population (and among species ). Prevent 100% of proliferation of such signs will only re-emerging mutations. Since this adaptive feature is useful for any kind of an equal degree, and form, changing and improving, a sign will be from species to species. For such a feature could be formed in the species, requires not only "a mechanism to identify relatives," that is required for the formation of signs of kin-selection, but also "a mechanism for determining a coefficient K" and its value in relation to the same ratio of the intended recipient, in accordance with the formula Krets r> Kdon or ( Krets / Kdon) r> 1. The mechanism of determining its coefficient of K - is not only a mechanism to determine their viability, their well-being. should be considered and the other component of fitness - the ability for reproduction, which is not always proportional to viability. If we consider a hypothetical organism in which there is steady , irreversible decline of fitness (or more precisely - the decline of the effectiveness of their own, as well, of identical genes), then at some point this fall (with a decrease in fitness at times, ten times) will come a time when this organism, the way of reproducing factory will manufacture "selectively unprofitable, although the level of fitness he has at this point and will not be zero.

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