Tuesday, 2 August 2011

And the symptoms of deprivation (similar to "drug ...

And the symptoms of deprivation (similar to "drug-breaking") pronounced: emotional instability dominated by dysphoria, in other words, workaholics find no place, no causes are evil and dark, when they are deprived of the opportunity to work. Like alcoholics, they are "abut" to the last, denying the existing problem of addiction. Hardworking person has a goal, it is important result of his work for him professional work only a part of life, self-expression and a means of self-sufficiency and wealth creation. For the workaholic is the opposite: the result of the work does not make sense, the work - a way to fill time, he focused on the manufacturing process. family relationships, the family itself workaholic perceived as obstacles that distract from work and it causes irritation and annoyance. "Tyranny of duty," a workaholic instead of "duty" hard-working person. The distinctive feature of workaholics: "colorblindness necessary." This prevents them from blindness to distinguish values ??of life, normal human needs, their implementation and satisfaction, as does a healthy person. For this reason, the normal full life passes by. The value of health and the need for healthy recreation, they recognize only in words, really doing nothing for it. a direct question: why are they so disregard of their health, why refuse to rest? "These questions are answered ridiculous explanations about the "operational need", the need for earnings, the specifics of the business. In fact, it's an excuse and a way to get away from the really necessary and urgent matters: seriously improve your on the move collapsing health or exercise the care and attention to his wife and children. The wives of workaholics - alone Children living with his father - an orphan. These problems are not seen at close range. It often happens that the interests and communication limited the scope of this work. That is life replacing his "profession." There's an expression: "workaholics live to work, hardworking people work to live. "workaholism can be regarded as a form of psihostenii (obsessive-compulsive disorder). The process works only creates the impression of" solutions "of some internal mental problems, but in fact neither of which does not resolve. In a psychological portrait of the workaholic predominant type of conscientious, and he characterized the following features: thoroughness in work, love of cleanliness, order, more effort, patience and diligence, but eventually achieving average results - striving for perfection in all things: as in the moral and ethical standards, a requirement this from other people - the difficulties in choosing: as a careful weighing of the pros and cons "in deeds, in thoughts and in the strategies, striving to be" right "- stuck in the details, the details of the moment, too much circumstantial - perseverance, growing into stubbornness, determination straightness in achieving the goal - consistency in thought, organization, excessive Captures the value of secondary importance - caution, fear of making mistakes - the accumulation of stress, tension, resentment (inability to relax, rest, to forgive, to openly express their emotions) Who is more trapped in a net workaholism: Men or women? "Well, of course, men!" Social stereotypes dictate the men to be miners, by definition, and is born, but workaholics perceive this as a valid excuse their addiction.

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