Sunday, 3 July 2011

Rationality often pre-planned ...

Rationality often pre-plan their actions in the weeks ahead, and, interestingly, is almost always performed in the scheduled time, and not necessarily by others they perceive as an insult. Innovations that will somehow change their lives, take a rational rather slowly, the new circumstances, they must assess and weigh all well. Rational, and their habit of all bring to an end, simply indispensable for global progress. If the above text prochitanom you find a description of the familiar features, then you - RAZIONAL. Complete opposite of a rational - irrational. Irrational, primarily driven by feelings, if, say, the assigned work does not cause any public emotion, its performance for irratsionala be torture. Creativity and improvisation that's life motto is irrational, often these traits are manifested at the slightest opportunity. Contact with people is irrational tie with ease, but as a rule, these contacts are superficial and short-lived, rarely tied to irrational people. Irrational easily acquire new knowledge and professions, but their impulsivity does not always allow them to achieve greater heights. But still, you see, how boring would the world be not whether it is irrational to their thirst for new, unknown, creativity and improvisation. Do you close this way? If yes, you - irratsional. By way of replenishment of energy and focus, people are divided into introverts (I) and extraverts (E), the difference between them is not so noticeable as between irrational and rational. Even more, the introvert and extrovert can peacefully coexist in one person. Today, let's say you - an introvert, tomorrow - an extrovert, and the next day at three-quarters of an extrovert, and only a quarter of an introvert. The difference between an introvert and an extrovert is an introvert that sees the causes of all their troubles, as indeed, good luck, extremely confident, to the introvert center of the world - he and no one but him understand, does not dare to claim that title. In all extroverts, on the contrary, in all, whatever happens, blame, first of all, the external circumstances. Extrovert with remarkable ease makes acquaintance. He is always open to new ideas, not afraid of responsibility, but can not bear any responsibility, the words "you must, you must" act on the annoyingly extroverted. And here is an introvert trying to avoid liability in any way, but he gladly shoulder the some responsibility. To make things easier to determine which category you belong to, will give a small example, if you believe that you poured a cup of coffee on your new suit, guilty of a crow sitting on a tree outside the window, then, of course, Today, you - an extrovert. And if, once in the same situation, you think that it was necessary to firmly hold the cup, then today you - an introvert.

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