Thursday, 14 July 2011

In turn, children may weigh ...

In turn, the children could weigh on this knowledge, they can take on more household responsibilities or start too closely monitor the actions and the health of the parents. Difficult Questions Discussion of status of children may be too difficult for some parents because they do not know how to explain such obscure things as HIV or AIDS. No one can say with certainty whether they are sick, and if sick, then when they die. Parents do not want to burden children emotional uncertainty about the future. Some believe that will be able to cure, so do not want to traumatize the children with stories about his fatal illness today, hoping that tomorrow will find a cure. If parents tell children the facts about HIV / AIDS, the disclosure of one's status can cause children questions about how parents are infected. Sometimes too hard to tell children about their habits, such as drug addiction, homosexual or bisexual inclinations, the practice of unprotected sex, so parents can decide anything not to tell children about their HIV status, to avoid any questions. How bad do not tell? Studies of the reaction of children to what they have learned about the disease that threatens the life of parents, such as cancer, have shown that it is better to tell about it. However, some parents and experts believe that this is not entirely applicable to HIV / AIDS, since other incurable diseases do not cause such stigma and discrimination. Many believe that, maybe you should not tell children about the illness or possible death of their parents from diseases caused by HIV, as scientists continue to investigate the virus, and infection itself does not necessarily lead to the development of AIDS and death. The decision whether to speak or not speak to children about their status, also depends on the age of the child and family traditions. For example, many parents will not be anything to tell three year old child, but to share their grief with the older child. If a family or cultural traditions of the younger children are not involved in family matters, parents will be difficult to openly talk about such a complex issue, as HIV infection. Emotional state of family members is another reason why parents may choose not to disclose its secrets may be their emotional state or condition of their children. Before talking about his status, parents themselves should be quiet, to help children survive the emotional stress and to minimize the possibility of undue dramatization of the situation. There are other situations children are only just beginning to feel a sense of stability, and parents do not want to ruin it. For example, a child just got used to the idea of ??his father's death, so the mother does not want to talk to him, which is also terminally ill. The child could not long before talk about the divorce of parents or that parents are drug addicts, and his emotional state more unstable.

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