Saturday, 16 July 2011

However, it would be wrong to consider ...

However, it would be wrong to consider ...

However, it would be wrong to assume that only the mentally ill commit suicide are people just as wrong to think that committed suicide in the usual, normal state. The share of persons who are not mentally ill, have no more than 12-15% of suicides. These people end up with him in a position emotionally constricted consciousness, physiological affect, acute panic reactions or in a state of so-called non-pathological situational reaction. This reaction is of three kinds: the reaction of disorganization, the reaction of demobilization and the reaction of the pessimistic (by AG Ambrumovoy, 1983). The reaction of disorganization in response to a traumatic event occurs emotional tension, affective fixation on the traumatic experiences, reducing the predictive control of their condition and as a consequence, disorganization of behavior. Suicidal tendencies occur suddenly, are realized quickly, as a rule, random ways. The consequences are of varying severity, up to the need for resuscitation. Such reactions are sharp and quickly cease. Most often they occur in individuals mentally rigid, straight, hard-edged, which is typical maximalism in judgments and estimates. Reaction demobilization occur Conversely, individuals mentally immature, dependent, low-resistance unfavorable (aka - frustration) circumstances, prone to "care", "avoidance" life difficulties. Under psychotraumatic situation they can further decrease the level of motivation to work and willpower, there are feelings of powerlessness, helplessness, reduced self-esteem, there are thoughts of suicide as a way "to end all troubles." Suicidal tendencies quickly transformed into appropriate actions. However, after the suicide attempt, as a rule, quickly formed a critical attitude toward the situation and their behavior. Pessimistic reactions are characterized by the emergence of psychological discomfort and dissatisfaction with themselves and others, a sense of disappointment in life, loss of life purpose and meaning, feelings of hopelessness and futility of continued existence (the so-called pessimistic vision for the future). Such a reaction usually occurs in individuals with a penchant for reflection and introspection, to the usual pessimistic estimates and interpretations. Suicide attempts in such cases can be both spontaneous and thoughtful. After them, the risk of suicide for a long time can be quite high. In Suicidology assumed that there are sufficiently persistent individual factors such as facilitating and impeding commit suicide. By suitsidogennym (also called predysponiruyuschimi) factors include, for example, suicidal and aggressive manifestations in history, upbringing in a "broken family", a conviction in the past, substance abuse, loneliness, somatic pathology or defects in appearance, and such personality traits as a reduced tolerance to emotional stress, lack of forecasting weakness communication skills, inadequate self-esteem (over or under), poor personal psychological protection, reduction and loss of views about the value of life.

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