Thursday, 14 July 2011

Experts believe that a frank ...

Experts believe that a frank ...

Experts believe that a frank conversation with your child will have a positive impact on his behavior. In this case, the parents enough to tell the child that they are sick (not necessarily HIV), and children's behavior improves. Some experts recommend that parents tell children about their status for two reasons. The first is based on the results of studies that indicate that the earlier a child to speak about the illness and eventual death of parents, the more the child will be ready for possible changes in their lives. Some parents to prepare children for such a change could prompt the disclosure of their status. Studies of families, victims of other serious diseases, show that children of many guessed, and that their fantasies were often far more terrible than the reality. The second reason, which emphasize the importance of some experts, is the protection of child rights. Supporters of this idea believe that children need to be talking about HIV status (their own or their parents) because they have a right to know. Steps to disclose the mystery Tasker in his book, "How can I tell?" Writes about the four stages of the disclosure of secrets that can take the family. Sneak At this stage, adults only learned their diagnosis, are experiencing emotional stress and did not want to tell anybody about their status. Parents can trust their secrets in only one or two situations, for example, the doctor who delivered the initial diagnosis. Samples of parents continue to keep a secret about his diagnosis, but over time become less secretive. They may have conflicting feelings - "tell, do not tell?". They may start talking to children about HIV and figuratively. Parents readiness plan to disclose their status to children. Disclosure Over time, parents decide to tell about their status. They can use a special plan, answer questions or tell your kids everything, when they felt it was time. What should I tell the children a good idea if parents have the opportunity to discuss with someone else decide on the disclosure of their status and what the words for this pick. Depending on your situation you can think of other ways to inform children. You can try to arrange with the children role-play that children respond to various questions and record their answers, or to find a book on HIV / AIDS, which parents can read to children. Many parents decide to tell children about their illness, but say that it is associated with HIV. Maybe it was this kid and waiting for their parents, while more detailed information it can be reported later. Parents should evaluate with what information their child can handle. Small children can understand simple explanations about what is HIV. For example: "All people have good blood, white cells. They help people not get sick. And in my blood cells are sick, so I sometimes get tired quickly, or get sick. " Explanation can be constructed and the habitual situations - for example, visits to the doctor when the disease doctor may say that the child has a virus cold.

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