This story illustrates well the state is obsessed with losing weight girls, after one or two years after the loss of your diet. They look much depleted, vivacity and good mood is replaced by lethargy and apathy, there is disturbing sleep, nervousness, disturbed attention, memory weakens. Suffers posture, plastic movements, patients hump. Appear breach of the heart, palpitations, or slowing of heart rate, always low blood pressure, pathology gastro - intestinal tract, painful constipation. The most terrible defeat of the internal organs. Develop anemia, degenerative changes, the deletion of the internal organs, "starving" the brain and endocrine glands. Typical is the appearance of vellus hair all over his body. Mental attitude of patients leads to a decrease in production of female hormones, resulting in menstruation become scarce, and then stopped altogether. This usually is the reason for treatment to a gynecologist. The consequences of these violations can be severe, up to infertility. Due to the fact that girls are quite adequately judge its condition and continue to stubbornly conceal the real motives behind their actions, misleading parents and doctors, they have long treated by general practitioners, endocrinologists and other specialists. Relatives do not suspect that the reason their child is suffering mental disorders. Unfortunately, psychologists in such cases, help can no longer requires a deeper correction and serious treatment from a therapist or psychiatrist. In advanced cases, patients must be hospitalized due to a sharp (more than 40% of initial body weight) emaciation. Expressed is not critical, and a violation of adolescents, a categorical refusal to supply can be life threatening. In cases of extreme exhaustion for the salvation of patients require hospitalization and forced feeding. Psychotropic drugs - tranquilizers or antidepressants - provide only short-term effect. Therefore, it is extremely important as soon as possible at an earlier stage to seek qualified help. Psychotherapists as the main methods of treatment using family therapy, individual psychoanalysis, behavioral therapy, hypnosis. To eliminate the unpleasant inner feelings using autogenic training Treatment should be comprehensive and only under medical supervision. Write to the consultation the therapist made by phone (977-08-97) or in the reception of scientific and industrial honey. Center "CARS" (m-Timiryazevskaya Dmitrovskoye w, 21 A) Therapist Eugene Gavrilov Kirillovna
Socio-psychological nature of philanthropy
Conoco Andrei V., G. Essetuki, student of psychology PF RSCU, Pyatigorsk, Kirov 26. Telesnoorientirovanny therapist. Place of work: Essentuki psihonevrologisesky Dispensary Distribution of charitable activities in modern society creates a need for its study in social psychology.
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