To include anxiety disorders, and other obsessions - so that patients may experience a constant desire to wash their hands, count objects or leaving the house, an infinite number of times to check whether all appliances are turned off. (Source: Mednovosti.Ru) By his own observations in many cases, patients with syndrome Plyushkin "according to the classification of the Diagnostic and Statistical manual of mental disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV) in the personality structure dominated by bona fide type (epileptoidy). Anecdote in the topic: "Doctor, write me a cure for greed and more, more !!!". But seriously, the drugs out of greed does not exist. If diagnosed with organic brain lesions, and pathological avarice as one of the manifestations of this lesion, the treatment is selected based on the nature of the lesions and symptoms. We leave this task psychiatrists, neurologists and neurosurgeons. If we accept the concept of psychosomatic medicine, then, for example, "Plyushkin syndrome" is often accompanied by the defeat of the prostate in men. Socrates said about a man that his trip did not fix it. "Willingly believe - said Socrates, -" because he carried with him myself. " "What we look for land, lighted another sun? Is exile able to escape from yourself? "- Exclaimed Horace. History knows many ways of dealing with devouring greed: pustynnozhitelstvo, mendicant orders, cells, exposing greedy and selfish ridicule if the manifestation of pathological avarice serves only the psychological aspect, the work will be primarily aimed at understanding the hidden motives of such behavior: 1. Money, like power tools, is that people are not greedy by nature, directs and controls their loved ones (wife, children) with the help of this tool and it gives him great pleasure. For example, a husband-earner with their help control the behavior of his wife. Apparently they are remarkably stingy and give his wife at home costs a pittance. Sometimes, conversely, generous and clothe his wife, as a chrysalis. But while most women have virtually no pocket money, and any little things she should ask her husband. That is, in any case the wife is completely dependent on men, head of the family, and her reproach at all times: once I make that kind of money, then you could better take care of me and more engaged in the house. Nit-picking can be a lot, sometimes they are true, sometimes not, but one conclusion: the woman who considers herself an independent person, can not long tolerate this state of affairs. That means you and number one: divorce. As well as the "guillotine from dandruff. If Miserly Knight becomes aware of and understand their pathological greed as a form of behavioral addiction, also afraid of losing his wife, then this problem can work. There is an internal conflict that requires resolution. Here, as they say, are possible options. However, excessive greed - it is also abnormal and painful phenomenon, as a frivolous waste.
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