Wednesday, 27 April 2011

These rules are more forgiving in the initial ...


It's like hockey, say, ice and field hockey. It seems to be there and there hockey, but only rules are slightly different. These rules are more forgiving in the initial stage (in a civil marriage), and so far as tougher on the final chord (the official divorce, property division and other "charms").

When all the annoying ...

To find ways to fight, you must find the cause: But a great many reasons, ranging from the infamous "black stripe" and ending with: Anything. In any case, usually, the end result is the same: all seemed tired and repetitive, nothing can please, if you want to roar and retreats, then gives way to anger: I agree, not a pleasant experience and want to get rid of them and as soon as possible! There is only one question: "How is it done?" To begin, stand up and approach the window. What do you see? Street: Just an ordinary and unremarkable (it is you are too tired), and now look at the sky: What is it? Again, nothing that you could help? Now get away from windows and keep reading. Do you ever wonder why the same things we perceive in different ways? When we have a very good mood, we all seem cheerful and colorful as the only mood falls, it becomes dull and joyless: Nothing changes, but we perceive everything quite differently. What's the matter?? A deal to set up, that we give to our psyche, our brain. What is usually thought in your head, when a magnificent mood? "Wonderful atmosphere. Today will be a wonderful day. Weather happy as ever. I look wonderful:" - am I right? Of course, even the most overcast day to turn in our minds in a sunny, brash driver would merely provoke a smile and compassion, and late second half will turn into a rapturous anticipation of the meeting and so on: And what are you thoughts swirling in his head when the mood horrible? .. Now you know what I mean? Do not believe me? Experiment! Think of the most wonderful moments of your life until you get that smile on his face began to play and try to go to the window now and look at the street and the sky: I agree that they have changed a bit: So, the first way to fight, which I suggest, is to install. Give yourself a setup that life is not so bad, that all problems can be resolved, and the desperate situations simply do not exist, as they say the famous Baron Munchausen! It looks like self-hypnosis? This is the case, and, often, very effective way to banish the spleen. However, the installation does not always help. What do you do then? We now use the help of our room or office. Look around carefully, look at all the things that surround you: "Everything is as usual, nothing new: this is high time to throw out:" Well the dust: this long is not the place here: in general want something totally new. " Appeared similar thoughts? Yes, it's all junk and junk! But now, considering every thing, try to remember where and how it was acquired, dig in the memory some stories that have been associated with it: Now get up, go to this thing, take it in hand (unless it's certainly not a wall, bed, etc . n.

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