Tuesday, 26 April 2011

In content it's usually nonsense ...

The content is usually nonsense sutyazhny, inventions, jealousy and persecution. Paranoiac syndrome may be the initial step in the development of schizophrenic delusions. At this stage, yet there are no hallucinations and pseudo-hallucinations, there is the phenomena of mental automatism. Paranoid syndrome exhausted psychopathology psychopathy, paranoid, alcoholic paranoia. Hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome - a syndrome in which are represented in different proportions hallucinatory and delusional disorders, organically related to each other. With a significant predominance of hallucinations hallucinatory syndrome called, with the dominance of delusions - paranoid. Paranoid syndrome, also indicate the stage of paranoid delusions. At this stage, the former corresponding to the paranoid ravings of erroneous inference system can be preserved, but show signs of decay: the absurdity of the behavior and statements, the dependence of delirium from the master of affect and the content of hallucinations (psevdogallyutsinatsy), which also appear on the paranoid stage. Syndrome of mental automatism Kandinsky - Clerambault is a special case of hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome and includes psevdogallyutsi-nation, the phenomenon of alienation mental acts - automatisms and delirious effect. Staying in power disturbances of perception, the patient is sure of their violent origins, in their madeness - that's the point of automaticity. Automaticity may be ideatornoy, sensory or motor. The patient thinks that his thoughts run "make" them parallel, make him mentally pronounce curses, put his head in someone else's thoughts, take away and read them. In this case we are talking about ideptornom automaticity. For this type of automaticity are psevdogallyutsinatsii. Sensory automatism As more disorders of sensation and perception, and corresponds to the statements of patients madeness feelings ("cause" indifference, apathy, feeling of anger, anxiety) or feelings ("make" pain in different parts of the body, feeling the passage of electric current, burning, itching). With the development of motor automatism the patient appears convinced that he loses the ability to control their movements and actions: on someone else's will face a smile, moving a limb, performed complex actions, such as MIS-tsidalnye acts. Distinguish between chronic and acute hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome. Chronic hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome progressively more complicated, the initial symptoms are overgrown new and expanded forms of mental automatism syndrome. Acute hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome can redutsirovatsya under the influence of treatment and can be quickly transformed into other psychopathological syndromes. When changing the syndrome former psychopathology disappears and is replaced by a new one. In the structure of acute hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome present a sharp sensual delirium, delusional perception of the environment, confusion or substantial saturation of affect; syndrome Kandinsky - Clerambault not fully manage to develop (seen in its individual elements).

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