Gipersedatsiya caused by the drugs, increases fatigue, which contradicts the goals of treatment. In addition, miorelaksantnoe properties tranquilizers increase the risk of falls of elderly and old people. Thus, this kind of psychopharmacological asthenic disorders does not match the objectives of effective and safe treatment in elderly and senile age. According to recent studies of the pathogenesis of fatigue [13] the leading role in the development of asthenic disorders, irrespective of organic or functional origin, is the state of the reticular formation of the brain or the reticular activating system (RAS). Asthenic disorder is not seen as a sign of depletion of energy reserves of the body, but as a phenomenon caused by the deterioration of the regulation of neuromodulation. RRA is the main link in the pathophysiology of fatigue. Symptoms of fatigue are considered as a signal about the need to reduce activity in order to preserve the life of the system. Important in the development of fatigue considered a violation of biological rhythms in the alternation of sleep and wakefulness. It is known that circadian rhythms are often violated in later life, distorting the ratio of periods of activity and rest. Development of drug Enerion (salbutiamin) as a means of acting on the reticular activating system, and regulating the metabolic processes in the CNS, the first time allowed to conduct specific pathogenetic treatment of asthenic disorders. Enerion - a synthetic drug, on a structure similar to thiamine. It is obtained by combining two molecules dizbutirata thiamine disulfide bridges. Enerion vysokolipofilen and easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier. The drug is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and excreted in urine. Drug concentration in plasma after oral administration reaching a peak after 1-2 hours, half-life is 5 hours. Feature of the pharmacokinetics Eneriona is its high ability to accumulate in the neurons of the reticular formation, as well as in neurons in the hippocampus and dentate gyrus. The experiment shows the ability Eneriona significantly increase the density of M1 and M2-cholinergic receptor subtypes in the RRA and other brain structures, which justifies its proholinergicheskoe action. Marked potentiating effect on the central Eneriona serotonergic system and circadian biorhythms [13]. In clinical studies demonstrated the therapeutic efficacy Eneriona for physical and mental fatigue [9]. Although the drug is not a stimulant and amfetaminopodobnym substance, it has positive effects on wakefulness and physical activity, improve intellectual activity, reduces affective lability and depressive symptoms accompanying fatigue. Established that Enerion has a therapeutic effect on the manifestations of fatigue in elderly patients, restoring their ability to adapt and socialization [15]. The drug has a metabolic effect, evident in the increasing stability of neural tissue to ischemic hypoxia [12].
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