Thursday, 14 April 2011

Did not you pay attention ...

Spontaneity of emotional and behavioral reactions. 4) Personal optimism, good-natured character, independent. A realist, not afraid of risk. 5) Emotional: Without undue credulity and suspicion. The freshness of the senses. 6) Sexuality: the wishes and views of partner, respect for him. Complete set of absolutely normal psychological parameters has only a 25 - 30 percent of the people. But at different life stages even completely mentally healthy people can not always properly respond to certain situations, particularly in proper physical illnesses. 55-60 percent of people teetering between a full mental health and these or other transient or minor infractions. And only 3-5 percent can be considered mentally unwell, requiring psychiatric care (this figure varies greatly in different countries). In general, good mental health is determined by the effective implementation of a leadership role (which, of course, Napoleon was in a psychiatric hospital ward), with a strong motivation to achieve the objective, with good productivity at work and a marked capacity for learning and training, willingness to accept responsibility. If this manager, the psychic norm in our modern, dynamic and democratic it is considered a flexible style of relationships with subordinates, not on principle "I boss - you're a fool, you're the head-I was a fool." Mental health - an ability adequate to the situation, be proactive, high resistance to stress and subtle, tactful understanding of the social roles of different people, the correct interaction with all the loyal contacts with various social groups. Standards are considered indicator of successful work and professionalism of human, tact, pleasing light unobtrusive humor, which is so highly valued in society. Verify that the psychic norm, and to identify deviations from it, to determine a person's character is possible by means of tests, if these tests are scientifically sound and repeatedly tested in practice in clinical diagnosis. But the tests, especially those that are available to non-specialist, of course, all the accurate and does not disclose in the psychic world, the mental state of man. When the disease is a problem of doctors. Yet in many respects they will help with the anxiety has arisen, with the first approach. They are useful to you, the reader. Smart person will tell a lot about the mental state of another and monitor the minutiae of his appearance, behavior, logic of his reasoning and conclusions, by constructing sentences. Did not you pay attention to an abnormality of your friend, if she says quite seriously: "I recently returned from Moscow, because the man threw a cigarette butt now, but in summer the rain? It's easy to identify emotional disorders using leading questions, personally hurt the significant events, situations, see mood, high or low, particularly attention. Its activity, concentration, switchable are sometimes the only markers of any abnormalities of mental activity.

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