Saturday, 16 April 2011

Controlled trials to prove ...


The patient calmed down, and if he does not sleep during the day, soon accumulated fatigue and restores a normal night's sleep. Sometimes useful simple tips for preparing for sleep (Table 21.1). In most cases, temporary insomnia somnografiya not needed. Hypnotics About 15% of insomniacs use sleeping pills - either on doctor's orders, or as self-medication. These funds are for many the first time are really quite effective, but evidence to recommend their continued use, a little. In some (but not all) studies have shown that in a few weeks or months of regular use of hypnotics to them develops a more or less pronounced tolerance. The sudden cancellation - deliberately or accidentally (as, for example, hospitalized patients, not reporting the use of sleeping pills) can lead to a resumption of insomnia or withdrawal symptoms if the patient takes the money for a long time or in high doses. Such cases - is not uncommon. Approximately 30% of cases as a hypnotic drink alcohol. A. Most of the funds OTC sleeping pills belong to OTC drugs. Most often they contain diphenhydramine or other H1-blockers. These tools cause sedation and drowsiness, sometimes enough to sleep. However, their effect is often subjective and indirect and not due to direct effects on sleep structure. Controlled trials confirming the effectiveness of H1-blockers, there is little. Most of these funds have a duration of action, and many complain of drowsiness, headache, lethargy in the mornings. Possible enhancement of motor activity during sleep. M-anticholinergic effects (dry mouth. Urinary retention or difficulty urinating), confusion. Despite this, patients take OTC funds more carefully than prescribed by your doctor. Usually within a few days or weeks sedation H1-blockers diminished. Until recently, the difficult falling asleep applied tryptophan. He is also available without prescription. Convincing data on efficacy and safety of this means yet, but apparently it has a weak hypnotic effect without significant side effects. Nevertheless, his medications are removed from production because the cause of eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (a syndrome similar to systemic scleroderma, which was first described in 1989 and is observed only in patients who took medications tryptophan a Japanese firm - apparently due to lack of its treatment). Arts and hypnotic - a drink on the night of warm milk and cookies - apparently based on facilitating absorption of tryptophan in the presence of carbohydrates (either due to increased secretion of cholecystokinin). Some argue that the hypnotic effect may also have turkey and bananas - foods high in tryptophan. Alcohol - this is probably the most widely used hypnotic.

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