Wednesday, 13 April 2011

By the norm include: 1) Intelligence.

This book will be very useful to those who need psychological support to gain peace of mind. We offer our readers, "MZ" part of one of the chapters of this book. We recently downright overwhelmed by a noisy, flashy, compulsive sex propaganda. Now that's the school almost forcibly pushed into sex education. And sometimes I dream about: typed would be better for high school health course "literacy classes." We must also reduce the "denseness" among our people regarding the elementary notions of what is health, as it is to preserve and maintain. As part of such education can be and talk about sex, not sticking out of his overly among other medical information that is not fueling the increased "concern" guys. If our population was poosvedomlennee azah in scientific medicine, we would not have the rampant quackery and sometimes obscurantism in the view of many on how to treat that, where to turn for help, if not to the self-styled healers, diviners. And now the problem of self-medication is of particular importance. It is connected with the questionable quality (inogda!) medical care, and its inaccessibility absence of many specialists in urban medical centers with its most expensive in the system of paid treatment. Direct purpose of the book, as already mentioned to give those who care about their and their loved ones mental health, if only elementary, but serious, and not quack guidance in this. There is an international standard of mental health and psychological standards. Let everyone who wants to try on these standards for themselves and people close to him. And he will draw conclusions: if he had gone (they were) from the mental norm or a completely normal, like "snow in January, near Moscow," or as "a hot July, with thunderstorms. In general we can say that the norm is more than the absence of painful symptoms. The norm is characterized by a balance between reality and adjusting to it, set to self-determination and self-development in the unity of sense of responsibility, the capacity of mental energy, with an activity. Norm - is the ability to overcome life's difficulties and take up the challenge of circumstances. Mental health is reduced by disease and age - after 75 - 80 years (not all) and sometimes earlier. Mental health - this concept is not static but dynamic. By the norm include: 1) Intelligence. Good mental ability, productive thinking, the desire to find an optimal way, relying on real facts. Knowing your strengths, the ability to achieve goals within a reasonable time. Improving skills, availability of the imagination. 2) moral character: a sensitive person, without callousness "soulless" moral stupidity. Fair, objective. Rely on their own judgments. The opinions of others for it is not the law, although it is significant. Strong will, but not stubbornness admitting a mistake, but without self-flagellation. 3) social attractiveness adaptive behavior, contact with people of different ages and social backgrounds. Sense of responsibility and unconstrained relations with superiors inferior individuals, flexible sense of social distance.

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